Share a home crossfit exercise with only dumbells and household items or simple cheap equipment I.e jumprope

@gizmorazaar Old-school Eva T. bodyweight exercise list had a bunch of travel-friendly / minimal equipment workouts. I used to keep a printout in my luggage and a copy of the text file on my iPod back in the pre-iPhone days. Every once in a while I’d add to it if I found something interesting elsewhere or came up with a variation on my own. It’s a good starting point.
@gizmorazaar Strict HSPU, Pull ups, Pistols is a great way to build muscle and gymnastics endurance (people who do calisthenics are jacked, too)

Double unders are fantastic too.

I do these (plus some DB exercises) when at home

Spice them up with a weighted vest

Stays in the spirit of CrossFit and requires space (but not much) more so than equipment