What should I change now?


New member
Warn ya, this is a bit long. Last fall, I got serious about working out on the regular. Just slowly working my way back up to a mile swim 2x/week (T/Th) and a mostly fullbody, bodyweight workout with some DB arm work 3x/week (MWF). I saw some nice gains, and over the winter met a former female powerlifter who recommended Bret Contreras' Strong Curves book/program, which I started in Jan (T/Th/Sat, swims on M/F) up until I did a stupid bench press with really bad form and injured a shoulder. It's been slow going the last 3 months, dropping to strength 2x/wk, focused on legs and the back half of my body. Slowly added swims back at 2x/week. I'm still not back to 100% and I feel slow and stuck and pissed off now. I'm not seeing any gains in my legs, which are getting significant reps. Do I go back to strength 3x/week, or add more weight, maybe? I'm more nervous about higher weights now than higher reps due to this injury. I can't decide if :
1. I need a trainer now to get me over this, mentally and physically.
2. a solid 5/3/1 program, which I don't fully understand, and I'm not totally convinced works as well for women as it does for men, but willing to give it a go.
3. Cut back on the swims, which are my cardio, and add more weights.
4. Or continue this slog until my shoulder is 100% or add more rest/recovery rather than go harder.
I still have some pain in my shoulder at night, mostly on my swim days, which really makes me sad bcz I love to swim. I might be pushing my swims bcz I love it so. I think my diet is OK. I'm eating about 50-60 grams of protein a day at ~63 kg bw, which for me is some work. Any opinions appreciated.
@atlantadad My two cents is to hire a good trainer! A few sessions will give you lots of good information and probably help prevent further injury. I can't really speak to your protein intake because I don't pay much attention to mine... I eat a ton of it but don't really track it.
@glenninindy LOL, I just bought a medium resist band at Dick's to add to my doorway pullup bar at home to practice more. (I know, it was overpriced, but I didn't want to wait for shipping and 1K choices) And finally able to add back lat pulldowns on a cable machine at gym...on my way!