@januaryrose Dead hang pull ups work like magic, have you mastered a full set of those yet?
Slow TBAR rows with focus on full range of motion and mind muscle connection also worked wonders for me. Momentum is great if you’re going for a new PR, but not so much when you want to target muscles effectively/increase hypertrophy.
You can try behind-the-neck lateral pulldowns, but do so with caution and lower intensity since there’s a bigger risk of injury (rotator cuff problems etc.).
Face pulls are a clean addition to any session and can be done daily for better posture and more detail. Just don’t go crazy on them every day with the same amount of weights you’d use on a back/pull day. I like to do 60% of full potential on every other day and it’s fixed my posture way back when I started doing them and also helps with cramps/stiffness I recently started getting from meds.
And don’t neglect your dips, there’s a reason they’re colloquially referred to as the “upper body squat”. They complement the rest of your back to get that triangle shape. Tackle these with the same approach as the TBAR rows. Would be redundant to say the same about the pull ups since that’s the proper way to do them effectively from my understanding, unless your main goal is to simply burn calories or increase stamina and/or reps.
Keep in mind that with most back exercises (lats!) the goal is to bring your elbows to your hips. Not questioning your knowledge since you should know this by now already, just a friendly reminder.
I hope this helps, you got this