What's your 30 minute go-to workout program if you're trying to get leaner?


New member
I think this is beginner friendly but I put all the ones I like and I kind of enjoy for years now. Something I can squeeze in if I find myself not had enough time in my morning run or workout block. I want to see what others have too. Mine would be:
  • few stretches first
- 14 x 2 bicep curls
- 14 x 2 overhead triceps ext
- 14 x 2 side lateral raises

- 14 x 2 raising knee to fron and side (L&R)
- 14 x 2 raising leg sideways (L&R)
- 14 x 2 squats
  • stretch a bit
@mawglad I'm not sure I understand. Is this your training session, or like a back up if you don't have time for a full session?

Regardless, the only way to get lean is by losing weight, and the best way to lose weight is by eating less.
@mawglad HIIT - running is best value for time in terms of losing/maintaining weight… try doing body weight training for last 10 mins… assuming you are limited on equipment?