What's your workout plan for the week??

@pjfl M/W/F evenings - cardio blast water fit

Tu/Th/Sun mornings - run

Th evening - martial arts

Sat morning - fitness class of some kind (was Zumba, trying spin this weekend)
@pjfl I'm a planner too. I write out my workouts a month in advance on this whiteboard in my office. It really helps me visualize what I need to get done this month and motivates the hell out of me. Brosplit + 30-day yoga challenge attempt + just-adding-cardio woman here! Monday is usually my rest day but I took it yesterday instead, so there are six days in a row of working out this week.

M - Glutes & hams, 20 mins cardio, hot yoga

T - Shoulders & tris, hot yoga (restorative)

W - Glutes & quads & chest (I know, random, but I haven't worked out my chest in ages and my strength is declining all up in there), hot yoga

T - Back & biceps, 45 min cardio

F - Glutes & hams (yes, I work out my butt 3x/week), hot yoga

S - Shoulders & tris, 45 mins cardio, hot yoga
@pjfl Monday: StrongLifts
Tuesday: the dreaded treadmill x 40 min
Wednesday StrongLifts
Thursday: Treadmill intervals
Friday: Rest or Stronglifts
Saturday: If I rested yesterday, Stronglifts, if not rest
Sunday: Cardio
@pjfl I missed my lunchtime workout today because I forgot my sports bra, so my whole perfectly planned week is now thrown off! But here's what I'm planning:

A short run this evening

Tomorrow - yoga at lunchtime and lifting after work

Wednesday - lunchtime spin class

Thursday - lunchtime lifting session

Friday - this weird little toning class at my gym that I really enjoy, basically a kind of plyometric circuit session

Weekend - usually this is when I get in my longer workouts but this week we have guests, so I'll hope to just get in a run on one of the days! Worst case scenario I'll end up walking around sightseeing for hours with them so at least I'll be active either way.
@krusader I HATE when I forget one thing for a workout.... the worst is when I forget headphones and then I'm like, can I do it without??? Sports bra is a definite no go.
@pjfl Tell me about it! I can get by without headphones... and as I recently discovered, I can actually get by without a towel! I may have dried myself with my sweaty gym clothes plus paper towels, but who's telling. But for everyone's good, I can't get by without a sports bra.