when should I increase my working set weight?


New member
I have a pretty specific schedule as to when I work certain muscle groups (i.e. Tuesday - Chest / Wednesday - Back). I have slowly been gaining strength in these compound exercise areas but I can tell my strength progress has been fading. Is there a standard time that I should be incrementally adding weight to my working sets? For instance, if Im benching 225 one week should I be adding 5's next week? Or should I wait a few weeks to be comfortable with the weight and then try adding 10's.
(Personal: Im a 23 y/o male. 190lbs lean.)
@hiatus I personally add 5 Kg (11 lbs) as soon as I can do it with the same amount of reps and sets without failing. With some exercises you can progress quickly but with some others you will get stuck
@hiatus I usually work my way up to 14 reps. Then I'll do a few workouts at 14 reps and then add weight until it's 10-11 reps. Of course though that's a more slower approach.
@hiatus Depends on the lift. Like others have said, the max rep range on all sets then add weight.

You could also shorten the rest period before you add weight. I like to do this on isolation lifts, and certain others, like incline bench and shoulder press. E.g. If I manage 10 reps for 3 sets, and 10 is the max rep I'm aiming for, I'll shorten my rest period with about 5 or 10 seconds next time. My rep range might be 8-10 and rest range 30 sec to 50 sec.

I usually start my workouts with a heavy compound lift, so shorter rest periods on other lifts gives me a challenge besides more reps and weight.