Where do I go from here? H:4'8", CW:129, GW:115 (for now)


New member
Hello! I'd love some help with figuring out where to go from here!

I'm currently doing 20ish minute strength training workouts using the FitOn app 3 days a week and doing the Couch 2 5k plan (not as a beginner) 3 days a week. Sunday is my complete rest day. I've definitely seen progress doing the weight training videos and I've improved my running speed. I had previously been trying to eat around 1400 calories a day tracking with the Lose It app. Last week I switched to 1300 because when I re-did the TDEE calculator it looked like I was eating at maintenance. Which seemed to be true as I haven't been loosing any weight.

I've been at this since August of last year and haven't been able to get pass this plateau since Thanksgiving. I'm home all day with my kids (9 and 7) so there isn't very much movement outside of exercising.

Any recommendations or tips on what I can do? I really just want to get rid of my stomach!
@lifeexpectancy I suggest adding fun exercises with your kids for their sake and just to mix it up a little. Give yourself time to see where the lower calorie count leads.
Congrats on hanging in there with two kids at home
@lifeexpectancy Have you tried calorie cycling? That seemed to work for me - alternating between higher and lower days. Otherwise my body just got used to the lower calories and learned to maintain on it!
@lifeexpectancy I try to roughly stuck to a two low day (1200 ish) one high day (1600) schedule. (I got this idea from Jim Karas' book Petite Advantage Diet). It doesn't always work out exactly since life happens but I found it was easier to maintain than a continuous defecit. Hope that helps, let me know if you try it!