Which KB do you suggest

@dawn16 In Greece, for 16kg you can find kettlebells between 45-75 euros (except the one I mentioned with PVC, which feel pretty weird for me because of material and size).

The one from the first picture, I found it for 50€.

I checked for a 16kg Rogue KB, but its costs much more with shipping, like 110+ smthing.

How much does a 16kg KB it cost in your teritorry?
@sarahharpmusic I've recently spent a month with a bell looking like #2 - Coating chipped and made the handles eat my hands - further the plastic scratched and dug into my wrists/forearms when holding the bell overhead and racked. 1/10 would not recommend
@sarahharpmusic A lot of these questions can be answered by running out and buying a used one locally. Unless you need it today, you can wait on a good used price, use the kettlebell for a while, then resell for just as much as you bought it. Especially if it's a common weight like 16 or 24kg.

These things are made of cast iron and steel. You don't really lose money buying and reselling if you keep it indoors.
@wordsinthewater Hmmmm, I thought about it, but i read somewhere that competition bells are made for single arm workouts mostly and since im newbie and use both hands for swings I put it out of the equation.

But i like the size of the competition bells, it also costs +20$