Why do I have headaches when counting calories?


New member
24F. 5’0. CW: 148 lbs GW: 120 lbs. My TDEE is calculated at 1,846 calories. I’ve started my 1,400 calorie diet today and half way through the day I already have a massive headache. I slept through breakfast, so for lunch I had: BBQ pork riblets- 200 g (270 calories), 1/2 cup red mashed potatoes (106 calories) and a mini ear of corn (60 calories) with water. Normally I would eat double this portion. I’ve tried CICO in the past but failed due to feeling ill after not eating enough. I do not exercise but i have a physically demanding part time job. Will these headaches continue? If so, how long?
@wargame_junkie What do you normally eat compared to this lunch?

This lunch seems to have a number of complex carbs ( which is good). However, if you normal diet contained high volumes of simple carbs - then sugar withdrawals are normal and can cause headaches like you are describing.

Additional, check your water intake. If you are eating significantly less than normal - you are also likely getting less water than normal.
@wargame_junkie How aggressive of a calorie goal is that? What's your deficit? Headaches can be a sign of undereating. More than a 500 calorie deficit may be too aggressive for you. If you're eating at a 500 calorie deficit that may still be too steep for you out the gate. You could try easing into it a little more. Start at a 100 calorie deficit for a week or two, then lower it to 200 and so on. If you get to a point where you start feeling ill then you know that's where you should stop.

I know that I had to increase my calories when I started exercising and if you have a physical job you may simply need more calories to support that. A smaller deficit is better than no deficit, you still lose weight.
@wargame_junkie How is your water intake and how drastically did your sodium consumption change with your meals? A headache can be a sign of dehydration from not drinking enough water , not getting enough electrolytes, or also drastic sodium reduction.
@wargame_junkie Headaches will happen due to: eating too little, not enough water, stopping caffeine, crazy sugar differences. Especially if more than one of these.

I'd start with a higher calorie amount for the day, but eat cleaner, higher protein type of meals (versus snacks designed to be low cal that are heavily processed).

For me, I started by focusing on calories and adding protein versus detailed macros. As I got the hang of it, I became more strict with myself. I'd have about 3 months of more strict rules, 3 months of still in rhythm but a little bit looser.

If water is hard for you (it is for me!), try counting your water OR, what I do, prep 3-4 refillable 20-24 oz water bottles and put them in your fridge. You know all day you need to finish all of them AND they're easy/ready/cold.

You shouldn't be getting headaches if you ease into it. You may find it helpful to track a few normal days and see where where are, then drop it 200. Do that for a few weeks of less, cleaner, more protein and try to drop it further depending!

Best of luck 😀 you got this!
@wargame_junkie this is slightly random, but did u use to drink coffee/tea before the diet? i got headaches as well after starting cico, and turns out it was just caffeine withdrawal haha just throwing the suggestion out there
@wargame_junkie I'd also look into your electrolytes. Low sodium can cause hospital worthy headaches. It's possible this may be a cause as well it may be psychological as to why you're having headaches as a physical symptoms of your emotional connection with food. That's assuming you do have an emotionally unhealthy connection with eating. I'd consider talking to a doctor or eating disorder therapist to make sure your headaches aren't linked to something you haven't already dealt with.