@tdear25 I think they're trying to convey the maingain here instead. The gain muscle lose fat kinda thing. Otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense to me.
@tdear25 By getting in the right amount of protein, cutting out calorically dense foods that have little nutrients, staying hydrated, getting good sleep, and following a proven exercise plan.
@tdear25 No offense but you don't seem very experienced. If you don't know what you're talking about you shouldn't speak, cheapmonument. I know what I'm talking about. If you build muscle then your metabolism increases which can put you in a caloric deficit.
@wellandfit Yes stop eating the junk. But you’ll have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Cardio and weightlifting also helps but the saying is true that abs are made in the kitchen
@dawn16 One thing the excercises will help with is looking better even if you have a bit more weight on. Also, lean muscle burns fat, so it will help, but in the looong run.
@dawn16 He wants to build muscle too though, you fool. Presence of more muscle mass will increase his metabolic rate which will cause him to burn more calories at rest.
@dawn16 No, I agree with you that a random assortment of bodyweight exercises isn't going to build muscle significantly. He seems like a beginner though so it's not a bad place to start to build some foundational strength, which as you know is important to have before he starts lifting serious weight.
I might be wrong, but I don't know if he'll see much a rapid change in his body off diet alone though. He said he's 145 at 5 ft 8'' , which is pretty normal.
@tealady3 His brother has been taking him to the gym based on the post so it’s a bit safe to assume he’s at least doing some form of weight training already
@wellandfit 5’8 and 145? Dude you need to gain weight. I’m 5’7 at 170 and 18% body fat and im in a bulk phase currently. Just work out and eat healthy. Your still growing and shit no need to lose fat when your not even fully developed yet.