Will I lose/ burn fat if I…


New member
  1. Stop eating junk food like hot cheetos, lays, M&Ms, and Rainbow Sour strips
  2. Do 100+ crunches every night before bed
  3. 20+ pushups every night before bed
  4. 40 second jumping jacks every night before bed
P.S. I do eat fruits like bananas, oranges, and apples on a daily basis

I’m 17 years old, standing at 5’8 1/2 , and weighing about 145lbs-148lbs

I’m trying to bulk and burn fat, but burning fat is the main purpose of this post

My brother has been taking me to the gym, but he’s gotten sick so we haven’t gone since this past Sunday

Edit: I guess y’all can disregard this entire post because if I’m trying to bulk, none of this is relevant
@tdear25 By getting in the right amount of protein, cutting out calorically dense foods that have little nutrients, staying hydrated, getting good sleep, and following a proven exercise plan.
@tdear25 No offense but you don't seem very experienced. If you don't know what you're talking about you shouldn't speak, cheapmonument. I know what I'm talking about. If you build muscle then your metabolism increases which can put you in a caloric deficit.
@wellandfit Yes stop eating the junk. But you’ll have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Cardio and weightlifting also helps but the saying is true that abs are made in the kitchen
@dawn16 He wants to build muscle too though, you fool. Presence of more muscle mass will increase his metabolic rate which will cause him to burn more calories at rest.
@tealady3 He literally states burning fat is the primary purpose and that still primarily occurs form appropriate dieting you moron

A random ass assortment of menial volume for bodyweight movements isn’t going to build muscle the way you think it will lol
@dawn16 No, I agree with you that a random assortment of bodyweight exercises isn't going to build muscle significantly. He seems like a beginner though so it's not a bad place to start to build some foundational strength, which as you know is important to have before he starts lifting serious weight.

I might be wrong, but I don't know if he'll see much a rapid change in his body off diet alone though. He said he's 145 at 5 ft 8'' , which is pretty normal.

....you ignoramus
@tealady3 His brother has been taking him to the gym based on the post so it’s a bit safe to assume he’s at least doing some form of weight training already
@wellandfit Don’t eat that anyway

Crunches are a garbage exercise, and 100 is way too much

Push ups are good, do 3 sets of 12-15. Go to the knees if you have to.

Do burpees, not jumping jacks, and do them for 90 seconds.

👆none of this is a routine. Go on YouTube and find lower and upper body weight exercises to do.
@wellandfit 5’8 and 145? Dude you need to gain weight. I’m 5’7 at 170 and 18% body fat and im in a bulk phase currently. Just work out and eat healthy. Your still growing and shit no need to lose fat when your not even fully developed yet.