Workout Program Check


New member
Hello, I'm a 23 y/o male (143lbs) and I started lifting in the gym 4 months ago. I only do my workouts for 3 days/week since I prefer to use more of my time on other things. I am eating on maintenance cal with a decent amount of daily protein (100-120g) and sleeping for 7-9 hrs. My training goal is focused on hypertrophy but I am highly interested in strength-focused training and will probably switch as soon as I gain ample muscle mass.

I would like to hear different opinions about my new proposed workout plan as I have issues with my current workout.

Currently, I am doing a 3-day PPL variation where I hit chest + accessory pulling movements for Day 1, back + accessory pushing movements for Day 2, and legs for Day 3. I am aware that my quads, chest, back, and triceps respond well visually but my shoulders, biceps, hams, and calves have only improved a little. My lagging body parts are also weaker in terms of the weight/volume I can lift.

Now, I am planning to increase the weekly frequency of my lagging body parts by doing a 3-day full-body workout but not sure if effective/feasible (photo shown below). Pls send help. TYIA.
@catharii Oks naman sya, mejo madami nga lang exercises. Maybe stick to 6-7 exercise per workout prioritizing compound movements (BP,DL,SQ). Watch Renaissance periodization on yt for a more comprehensive details about how to program and maximize your workouts.
@catharii Looks okay, but I would personally adjust and simplify your routine to a two simple variants. Retain your upper body split and split your leg day into 2 smaller splits.

Day 1: Push, accessory pull, legs
Day 2: Pull, accessory push, legs

Alternate if you train 3 days a week.

Edit: Just paid attention to the photos. It looks alright imho