Workout routine advice BW + KB


New member
Looking for a minimalist training plan.

Last months I mainly did calisthenics with a little bit of kettlebell (24kg) swings. Now im looking for something to build up my endurance and power. I would like to build this workout around chinups/pullups(coz i love it), pushups, swings and snatches.

Ive seen Pavel's Q&D program but I don't know if adding some pullups and chinup to it, will be correct?

I was thinking of doing it like this (alternately week A and B):

Week A:


- Q&D (push ups and swings)


- Pull ups, Bodyweight squats, hanging leg raises

Week B:


- Q&D (snatches)


- Chin ups, Bodyweight squats, some jump rope

Any ideas? What do you think about this aproach? :))
@bikochieng As mentioned by Pavel himself in the Q&D book, it doesn’t work very well unless you can swing proficiently enough that you can “sprint” with swings for 30 seconds with the bell you want to use. And the same for push ups and snatches. It’s marketed as an “advanced” (supplemental or standalone) program.

Is that the case for you? If not I’d probably look for some other more basic programming.
@bikochieng Load the squats, do the leg raises on both weeks. Do the jump rope 3-6 days a week added on to the other stuff, vary time and intensity.

I'd love to see a loaded carry in there. You could even march in place on days you don't jump rope, carrying a bell overhead, in the rack, or at your side, or all three. Vary weight and time/distance.
@bikochieng I just saw a workout in the RKC book of strength and conditioning that’s similar to your pull/squat workout.

I think it was long press (squat to press), chin, leg raise. Their is an option to add a single bell snatch to it for the first exercise.

The goal was 5 sets of 1 to 5 done as a chain (1 long press, 1 chin, 1 leg raise for five rounds when you get to the top of the ladder) in 30 minutes. That seemed like a great workout. I’m pretty sure it calls for a double press.

If you follow the Q&D swing/push-up protocol, I think you could do some double OHP. Depends on you. I like the Q&D workouts.
@bikochieng Yeah, I mostly did snatches but I got into the random dice rolls as well. I wouldn’t recommend it now as a stand-alone program. What you outlined looks good to me. What you outlined is similar to this article all around training.

I think that I did some easy goblet squats and haloes to warm up, and I was training pistols on a box before the Q&D sessions. It’s not bad. It was the first kettlebell program I did, and my conditioning was terrible. Before I did Q&D, I was doing a Barbell Medicine version of The Texas Method (5x5 barbell training).

I’ll also say, toss in some hindu squats (toe squats), deck squats, and candlestick deck squads (with your arms overhead in the candlestick) if you ever want to get into some basic tumbling.