Workout routine for a 17 y/o


New member
I'm the lazy types as they come and not really enthusiastic about workouts. But lack to any physical movement I hardly have energy to do physical chores, and also got some belly fat in this pandemic . (I used to do sports in middle school). I started doing 5 minute warm-ups from today. My question is what is a healthy exercise routine would be for me so that I won't burn myself out and would enjoy a good time 😀
@slockmn Probably none. If you want real gains you need to train your body hard. 1 hr+ workouts is where you see a real difference, when you feel like you want to quit somewhere within the routine. Also you need to do cardio such as skipping or running, 150 minutes a week precisely. I've posted routines for bodyweight or dumbbells if you want somewhere to start. Also eating cleanly, no matter how hard you train it's calories in/calories out. You need to burn more than you eat. Also having muscle means you burn fat easier since it takes more energy to maintain. So start doing pushups or pushing weights.