Workout Routine: Suggestions Please


New member
Hi! I started in the gym around 2014 and have experimented with different programs for a couple of years. Below is a routine that I’ve committed to for the last 2 years (with tweaks here and there) with both my cuts and bulks. I never thought to do so until now, but I figured I’d ask the community to rate my workout routine.

I had a few people tell me that this routine might have too many exercises, but I think part of the reason is that I just like to spend a lot of time in the gym to decompress and clear the mind after clocking out from the office. But if the number of exercises or amount of volume is a detriment…I’d like to make revisions then.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - I’m open to some change-ups!

Monday: Rest (or Cardio)

Tuesday: Workout A

Wednesday: Workout B

Thursday: Rest (or Cardio)

Friday: Workout C

Saturday: Rest (or Cardio)

Sunday: Workout D

Workout A - Heavy

  • Flat Bench Press (Barbell): 4x5
  • Overhead Press (Dumbbell): 3x8
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4x8
  • Bent Over Row (Dumbbell): 4x8
  • Chest Fly (Cable): 4x8
  • Seated Wide-Grip Row (Cable): 3x8
  • Upright Row (Cable): 3x8
  • Lat Pulldown (Cable): 3x8
  • Reverse Fly (Machine) 3x8

Workout B - Heavy

  • Squat (Barbell): 4x5
  • Bicep Curl (Dumbbell): 3x8
  • Romanian Deadlift (Barbell): 4x6
  • Tricep Pushdown (Cable): 3x8
  • Hip Thrust (Barbell): 4x6
  • Leg Press (Machine): 3x12
  • Calf Press (Machine): 3x16
  • Chest Dip (Weighted): 3x8

Workout C - Hypertrophy

  • Flat Bench Press (Barbell): 4x7
  • Overhead Press (Dumbbell): 3x12
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4x12
  • Bent Over Row (Dumbbell): 4x12
  • Chest Fly (Cable): 4x12
  • Seated Wide-Grip Row (Cable): 3x12
  • Upright Row (Cable): 3x12
  • Lat Pulldown (Cable): 3x12
  • Reverse Fly (Machine) 3x12

Workout D - Hypertrophy

  • Squat (Barbell): 4x7
  • Bicep Curl (Dumbbell): 3x12
  • Romanian Deadlift (Barbell): 4x10
  • Tricep Pushdown (Cable): 3x12
  • Hip Thrust (Barbell): 4x10
  • Leg Press (Machine): 3x16
  • Calf Press (Machine): 3x20
  • Chest Dip (Weighted): 3x12
@steve11987 Nah it looks fine. I wouldn't want to be doing that many exercises myself, but you're also not completely gassing one single area of your body with a slew of variations. So that's good.

I don't really have plan advice since it looks fine but I can offer good exercises to try it. Mainly being in the form of weighted pull ups and chin ups. That was a huge game changer for me and being able to do pull ups with 70 or more additional pounds on you has so much carry over to everything else. Does require a weight belt though.

Also close grip bench is a wonderful variation if you ever struggle with heavy weight on traditional bench. That is all.
@unikue Thanks! I used to do weighted pull ups and reached 45 lbs. before I stopped. I had to stop because I think I have golfer’s elbow, and my arm began to hurt after doing any kind of pull ups. I’m going to try to work it back into the routine as best as I can.