Workout split PPL X Arnold


New member
Sunday (push) 3chest 2triceps 2shoulders

Monday (pull) 4back 2biceps 1shoulder

Tuesday (legs) 2quads 1glutes 1hamstring 2calfs

Wednesday (chest&back)3chest 4back

Thursday (arms&shoulders) 2biceps 2triceps 3shoulders

Note I can only take the weekends off
@cdnguy37 Any program will work.

What actually matters is how you progress the program over time and how you actually perform the program

Are your reps and sets staying the same week to week? When do you add weight? Are all sets taken to failure or how many reps in reserve are you leaving?
@romo Debatable, as long as you are training in close proximity to failure you will stimulate growth if you are doing multiple sets.

If you are truly training to failure you do not need 3 sets per exercise (especially if you are doing multiple exercises for the same muscle group).
@jennywilliam Yeah you just said it better then I did. I agree with not needing 3 sets, 2 sets in different rep ranges is what I’ve been doing for a while now and found I’ve been getting the best progress with it on everything that I do. I’m destroyed after my 2nd set and feel like a 3rd set just adds unnecessary fatigue.
@romo Couldn't agree more, 1set in the 6-10 rep range, 1 set in the 12-20 rep range, both sets taken to failure and you are all set.

Works perfect in a full body set up (1 exercise per body part) or an upper/lower (1-2 exercises)
@romo Nah, see Jeff Nippard/PictureFit's videos on it, theres basically no gain for high risk and if anything it can actually set you back as fatigue will drop your reps over time
@cdnguy37 If you are able to beat your reps each week and/or increase weight (whilst maintaining the same technique) that you will be good.

It then comes down to exercise selection
@avianne Broski if u cant do 2 leg days a week then u either have too much volume or you have never done leg day 2 days a week for more then 2 weeks 💀