Workout taking too long


New member
So I am currently doing full body workout at home on alternate days and they take too long to complete. For reference, this is my plan:-

1) Warm and dynamic stretching :- 5m

2) Bulgarian split squats:- 20 reps each leg x 3

3) Cossack squats :- 10 reps each side x 3

4)Slow pushups (3-4 second eccentric and fast concentric) :- Failure x 3

5) Diamond pushups :- 6 x 3

6) Pseudo planche pushup(for shoulders) :- 6-8 x 3

7) Pull ups :- failure x 3

8) Hanging knee raises :- 12 x 3

9) Leg raises :- 20 x 3

10) Russian twist :- 15 x 3

All of this takes me around 2h ! I don't know how to speed up because after every set, my body is fatigue so I recover until I feel normal again. I am 15y old. What should I do? Is this bad? And how should I speed this up because it's taking a lot of my time and I am having less time for studies.
@blsdmomof4 You do a bicep set, then tricep-chest set, then leg set, then ab set and you need only like 2 minutes of rest before the biceps are ready again
@blsdmomof4 use paired sets & even supersets for the less important stuff like core work.

paired set = 1 set of 1 exercise, rest x minutes, 1 set of another exercise that doesnt involve the same muscle group, repeat until you've done all sets. (so basically smth like pull ups, 2.5m rest, squats 2.5m rest. x3) Its best to pair upper body with lower body so you only minimally impact performance on either. Use lower rest times for the core isolation stuff. Dont try & take the paired set concept further & do triple sets or smth. They're bad for both strength & hypertrophy afaik.

But i'd also just cut some of the exercises tbh. hanging knee raises & leg raises are very similar no?

& push ups + diamond push ups + pppu is unneeded lol. it doesnt make for a balanced routine either since the push:pull ratio isnt 1:1. I'd recommend choosing 2 of the following three progressions to follow & scale to an appropriate difficulty: push ups, dips, hspu. & adding in a rowing movement to balance the push:pull ratio out.

If all of this doesnt save enough time then try a split routine like ppl or upper lower instead of full body
@blsdmomof4 ideally i wouldnt since chin ups are p similar to pull ups & dont hit the same areas that rowing does. But if you rlly have nothing to row on then ig i'd do that.

Do you not have a table you can do inverted rows on? Or maybe you could hang rings/straps from where you do pull ups from & do rows like that? You could also do tuck fl rows from where you do pull ups from if you're strong enough (albeit w limited rom bc of the bar until you can do adv tuck & onwards fl rows)
@cgdidymus I just tried it and yeh could only do like 4 reps. Would that count —Talking about tuck fl tows. I don't have a free table. I also do the tuck fl rows and pull up on an iron structure that has like a bump upward that cause me blisters when I hang on it. So that another thing :(
@blsdmomof4 sure that works. keep trying to find any alternate ways to do full rom rowing though since getting to adv tuck fl rows is tough & tuck fl rows have such small rom with a bar. the blisters is unlucky rip
@blsdmomof4 What’s your diet like for recovery?

Try eating a piece of toast with some peanut butter/honey before your workout and then once you finish your workout, have a protein shake and a bowl of oatmeal

You’ll have more energy for your workouts and give your body the necessary nutrition to recover.

You should aim for 0.8g-1g of Protein per lb of body weight. You can aim for more but it has basically no added benefits other than keeping you potentially more satiated throughout the day
@upandup Thanks. It seems the problem is my diet. I just eat whatever I get. I would follow your advice of 0.8g per kg of protein and a pre workout and post workout.
@blsdmomof4 If you’re working out this hard I’d recommend getting in to tracking calories in general, as that will help in the long run.

Pre-workout meal should be at least an hour before you train, if not 90-120min depending on what you eat. Post-workout meal doesn’t have to be immediately after, but I like having a shake within an hour as it’s an easy way to help gut my protein target for the day. As long as you eat within a few hours afterwards it’s fine, the old idea of the “anabolic window” being very short has essentially been disproven.
@blsdmomof4 Have you ever tried splitting different muscle groups into different days? I used to do full body as well and transitioned to different muscle groups on different days. It cut down on my session time significantly. You could also try a hybrid split where you do full body + split muscle groups. As for fatigue I would definitely recommend eating carbs an hour or two before your workout.
@blsdmomof4 First of all check out the recommended routine from this sub! This might help you how to structure your routine better and might be less tiring.

I have few suggestions:
  • switch bulgarian split squats to harder progression -> add weight or start doing shrimp squats. This way you will not need to do so much reps which might tire you out in the beginning.
  • Do cossack squats later in the workout or just do one set in your warmup or at the end for mobility.
  • Less pushing. I would choose only 2 pushing exercises, example just do diamond pushups + pseudo planche pushup. Or diamond pushups + pike pushups.
  • Superset pullups with bulgarian split squats or pushups.
  • Make sure that you are progressing with every workout, this way you can check if this works for you and if you are not overtraining.
  • Think of buying rings (Always a good recomendation :p)
What are your rest times? I feel like this is important info that you didn't provide.

Also just saying failure in pull ups and pushups doesn't tell us much. Are you doing 5 or 50? Hard to tell.

Also you can try switching to upper lower split.

Do your abs and leg exercises on lower day.

Do your upper body exercises on upper day.

Workout 4-5 times a week.
@ineedstrength I do this on alternate days. About pull ups, it ranges from 5-7. Pushups are >10. I can do 30 fast pushups, but slow pushups are the real deal.

About Bulgarian squats, I do them with notebook registers on my hand. Currently thinking of doing shrimp squats- I can do the intermediate one. I would then cut Diamond pushups since slow pushups have been working greatly for me. About pike pushups, I don't know why but I can't seem to do more than 3 at once. So currently doing PPU.
@blsdmomof4 I'd just try and find a way so you only have to do 7 sets. That's how I do it. However I work in muscle groups rather than full body so... Idk if that would work out better for you? This takes 45 minutes