Workout taking too long


New member
So I am currently doing full body workout at home on alternate days and they take too long to complete. For reference, this is my plan:-

1) Warm and dynamic stretching :- 5m

2) Bulgarian split squats:- 20 reps each leg x 3

3) Cossack squats :- 10 reps each side x 3

4)Slow pushups (3-4 second eccentric and fast concentric) :- Failure x 3

5) Diamond pushups :- 6 x 3

6) Pseudo planche pushup(for shoulders) :- 6-8 x 3

7) Pull ups :- failure x 3

8) Hanging knee raises :- 12 x 3

9) Leg raises :- 20 x 3

10) Russian twist :- 15 x 3

All of this takes me around 2h ! I don't know how to speed up because after every set, my body is fatigue so I recover until I feel normal again. I am 15y old. What should I do? Is this bad? And how should I speed this up because it's taking a lot of my time and I am having less time for studies.
@blsdmomof4 use paired sets & even supersets for the less important stuff like core work.

paired set = 1 set of 1 exercise, rest x minutes, 1 set of another exercise that doesnt involve the same muscle group, repeat until you've done all sets. (so basically smth like pull ups, 2.5m rest, squats 2.5m rest. x3) Its best to pair upper body with lower body so you only minimally impact performance on either. Use lower rest times for the core isolation stuff. Dont try & take the paired set concept further & do triple sets or smth. They're bad for both strength & hypertrophy afaik.

But i'd also just cut some of the exercises tbh. hanging knee raises & leg raises are very similar no?

& push ups + diamond push ups + pppu is unneeded lol. it doesnt make for a balanced routine either since the push:pull ratio isnt 1:1. I'd recommend choosing 2 of the following three progressions to follow & scale to an appropriate difficulty: push ups, dips, hspu. & adding in a rowing movement to balance the push:pull ratio out.

If all of this doesnt save enough time then try a split routine like ppl or upper lower instead of full body