Workouts at Hotel Gyms


New member
Hey everyone!! I have a new job that makes me travel a lot for work and I don’t really have a great routine for workouts on the road. I stay in hotels a lot (Marriotts, Hiltons, etc…) and they basically only have treadmills, dumbbells, and a bench.

Travel/Work Schedule:
My travel usually consists of one week (5-7 days) in a certain location and then a period of 2-4 weeks at home which varies so it’s difficult to really have a consistent routine.

My workouts:
I tend to use a barbell when working out for squats, bench, cleans, deadlifts, and other exercises. I wanted to bulk up a bit before starting a 50/50 split of weightlifting and cardio in a few months. I’m trying different routines to see which makes me feel the best.

If y’all have any pointers on how I should go about a having consistent or at the very least, manageable plan that I can see gains even with my hectic schedule, that would be super helpful! Also, if you have any pointers on how best to eat healthy too while traveling, that would be great!!
@lenardzw Yeah, been in that same situation before. I bought resistance bands/loops since they were easy to pack (small & lightweight) to help mix things up. You can add the bands to the dumbbells to make some exercises more challenging. I also searched a bunch of bodyweight workout routines to help, used the door jam in my room for “pull”-ups, etc. it’s not easy. Best of luck on your travels!