Workouts for women with PCOS?

@zayin7 One thing I’ve learnt is just cook what I need to for myself and not worry if others are eating something else. My husband works manual labor and doesn’t eat much all day so if I eat what he does at dinner I’ll gain weight. Let him eat something else if he wants. I needed to stop just trying to cook what they want. No shame in making more than one thing if needed.
@buddyt Yes. This. I needed to hear this! I get so focused on prepping what he enjoys so that he eats that I forget what my goals are. He’s told me before to not worry about him if I want to make something different- so I need to just listen!
@zayin7 Same, I’m a people pleaser at heart and it’s hard to do sometimes to stop worrying about what everyone else wants and focus on what I need to do!
@zayin7 I also have PCOS, however since starting a fitness routine and consistently working out 4x a week for 2 years my symptoms and condition has DRASTICALLY decreased.

When I first started working out I went to F45 because they had very high intense workouts that burned a lot of calories, and coaches available to correct form and help me workout. Since then I’ve transitioned into strictly strength training, 2 upper and 2 lower body days a week.

Feel free to DM me to ask questions, but you’re on the right start and path to making a positive change in your life! Don’t get discouraged, focus on eating high protein foods and you’ll notice a big difference! Don’t try to make too many changes at once because you’ll just end up discouraged and know that this is a long journey to see results but worth it :)
@zayin7 Rowing, leg presses, leg curls, and dumbells all help tone me, but the only thing that eliminates my belly is following the Whole30 way of eating.

I'm not super strict, meaning I don't worry about minimal amounts of non compliant foods, but really have to avoid sweeteners, dairy, grains, and soy.

Eating that way gets the weight off and the inflammation down. I also have endometriosis and hypothyroidism so I should weigh like 4p0 pounds, but I can keep myself feeling and looking okay by avoiding foods that are inflammatory for me