Wrist hurt after push up


New member
I am a kind of fat guy. I tried to do push-ups (8*4) in the last two weeks. But I feel pain on my left wrist, especially in the morning wake up time. I stopped the exercise by it didn't become better. Actually it get more and more pain. I went to doctor and checked with x-ray. No hurt for bones. The doctor said it was " tenosynovitis" or "peritendinitis" and no medicine can cure. He left me some medicine to relieve pain only.

It has been two weeks and the hurt doesn't seem to stop. Is there any good advice? Should I do some soft exercise for the wrist or totally stop any movement with it?

@m4m Maybe get some anti inflammatories, and try a rotation of exercises, so as not to put too much pressure on your wrists. This will likely eventually be fine. Try the madbarz app for different exercises. It's free.
@m4m Do lots of wrist stretching exercises, and if it's really sore just rest it. Try pull ups and other things and some cardio.
@m4m The same thing happens to my wrist. I recommend resting it for a while. If you continue push ups, you could try a push up bar. The different wrist position makes them doable for me.
@ommi01022 thanks. That's a great advice. I tried the bar. It use the different wrist position to support. I will use it after the wrist pain recover.
@m4m Maybe cause you're fat?
The fuck is your weight, that's probably your real issue. And 8 fucking push-ups? If you're an adult, you will need to diet down until you can do at least 20. Probably try bench press first, if you want that upper body strength that bad. Well, good luck man, and I hope it works out for you. We are all going to make it.
@m4m What's your height, weight, and current diet? I can link you to some sources for building a decent diet plan, because that should be the first thing on your mind right now, especially if you want to do calisthenics. Hardcore redpill here, calisthenics suck at helping you lose weight, you will hurt yourself more than likely, and really won't burn that many calories. In case you didn't get the hint, DIET BRO. WOULD RECOMMEND FORK PUTDOWNS X (INFINITY).