[X-post from r/Ph] I'm planning on opening a GYM. How much are you willing to pay for monthly membership?


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I was advised to X-post this here-

I'm opening up a "bakal gym" yung simpleng gym na walang aircon tapos yung equipment is yung standard sa bakal gym, not the likes that you see in Anytime Fitness/Golds. Usual rate ng Bakal Gym in our area is 500, some as low as 350 (super ghetto na to and usually masikip/mainit). I'm thinking to charge 800, here's why:

Mas maluwang

Better ventilation

Better ambiance

Lockers, Shower Rooms

Better overall customer experience

Will you be willing to pay that extra 300? With that medium price range, parang meeting halfway sya ng Ghetto gym and Premium gyms.

Location is in Pampanga.
@myjesus777 I think the price is reasonable but needs-specific din kasi ang market ngayon. Put your shoes in the mind of the kind of people you want to attract and walk through your gym and see if they'll have the equipment and tools that they need. If you plan to cater or pirate bakal gym people who don't already have a go-to bakal gym then your equipment should reflect that. If you plan to cater to people who want to get started with fitness then your equipment should reflect that. If you plan to have classes then your space should reflect that.

As a person who does powerlifting most of the year, the usual bakal gyms i see around dont have the kind of bar or the kind of plates that i need. I wouldn't go even if i were paid to; not because of the ambiance but because of the tools.

You also might need to separate yourself from other gyms or offer something that they don't have. There should be a very clear answer why they should choose your place rather than some place else that might be cheaper with some compromises or a little more expensive with more benefits despite the travel time. At 800 it's only 200 difference to be at 1k to for a Gold's gym corporate rate.

Personally if a gym has an olympic bar, enough squat racks, a decent place to bench and enough 45s, a place to deadlift in peace and then allows chalk i'd pay more than double over the usual ones kahit walang aircon. It also has to work with my lifting schedule. What use is the perfect gym if it's full when im there? What use is the shower or ambiance if i can't train the way i need to? This of course changes if you're a body builder or a tita/tito who wants to see treadmills or just someone who goes to gym without a program or goals.

I've personally thought of opening a gym myself in bicol and i plan to distinguish my gym by catering to a very specific market. My first motivation is to have a place where i can train with all of the equipment i need, second to have a place where i can create a community with like minded people and third to educate those who want to seriously get into strength and conditioning.

Hope this helps
@tony2468 A bakal gym in the area just closed down. They charged 500 per month. My gym will definitely be bigger in lots of aspects that's why I'm thinking of charging more. How much more is my dilemma. The location is in the heart of several semi-low? to mid-class subdivision. I would like to cater to just anyone who wants/needs to get fit. Not too serious with the powerlifting but still adequate when it comes to squat racks and deadlift areas.
The location is in the heart of several semi-low? to mid-class subdivision

800 should be a good choice then. Maybe look into offering a visits type of set up as well. Maybe something like 16/32/64 visits that workout to be a little more(or less i dunno how you want to package it) expensive but last for 2/4/6 mos just so you can get them through the door in case they can't commit to a monthly thing. That works out for 2 visits a week that i imagine most people will use on weekends. Call it the weekend warrior package or something. Just throwing out ideas here. hahaha

Membership fees are also one way to generate income to keep your gym alive while also offering something value added to your clients: maybe offer an evaluation/sit down talk with the person to help them find the right program. Talking with your clients helps you know what their goals are and gives you a glimpse of what other stuff you can offer. Evaluate after a while if that works for you financially.

Good luck.
@myjesus777 If ma maintain yung perks you mentioned, I’d happily pay the extra. Ung bakal gym ko dito sa Makati 600/month madami nang sirang equipment, no locker/de-tabo pag magsshower, but 600 is cheap enough and I don’t feel like paying for Anytime/Gold’s/etc.
@myjesus777 800 sounds like a nice midpoint, as long as there’s better equipment, ambiance, and no aircon. Although, I really prefer working out with no aircon as long as your location promises fresh air, then I’m sold.
@myjesus777 I’d go for 1K if it’s aircon. The gym that I go to is part of the facilities of the hospital.

It has everything you listed, but with aircon and sauna. I don’t think people use the sauna much compared to the shower rooms. Also may enough space to do bodyweight training and powerlifting. Please don’t forget ang hygiene. Have a huge tissue roll next to a sanitizer or wipes na pwede gamitin.

For me, if your customers are more of college students, and young professional, put yourself in their shoes. Like consider mo rin operating hours mo. 6AM - 9PM? Or dapat ba magextend ka pa for late night people?
@myjesus777 I'd go for promos like instead of per month, go for per session. My bakal gym near me is swamped not because of the monthly fee but they charge per session. Reasonable price they give is 60 pesos per day. Additional 100 if you want an instructor.
@myjesus777 ok lang yung 500 as bakal gym. tapos bawiin mo yung price sa extra services 1on1 coaching,boxing, zumba, mma, circuit, athletic,crossfit training. people are willing to pay 1500-3000 pesos for those services. passive income lang yang basic na 500 pesos yung mga nasa budget, pero di mo na kailangang asikasuhin, mag youtube nalang sila ng gagawin nila. para kuha mo yung mga nagtitipid at mapera.


hindi ako willing na magbayad ng 800 pesos para sa gym, kung maraming gym ang malapit na 350-600 lang ang singil.

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