Youtube Dance Workouts

@ifyoubelieveme I love dancing but last time I tried in person I was sooo unfit even though I exercise regularly. I was quite embarrassed in the class so I think this is such a great idea.

I had been thinking about it in lockdown but the idea of searching them out was daunting so Thankyou for all of these links!
@ifyoubelieveme I love single-song dance workouts as a quick warmup! I know raising your core temperature is super important, but I hate non-running cardio, and I don’t have a treadmill. These saved me and seem way more effective!
@ifyoubelieveme Thanks so much for putting all these together! I love NYC Ballet because I did ballet for years but looking forward to mixing it up more!

Does anyone have any good Bollywood recommendations? The studio I used to go to has not survived lockdown :/

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