Zone protein recommendations low compared to most other lifting-specific


New member
Hello. I keep wondering why the Zone dietary protein requirements consistently come in a bit lower than other strength-based recommendations. 40% of estimated lean body mass gives me only 95 g of protein daily, whereas many others recommendations put me at more like 120-125 g daily. I would love input specifically on this. Thank you.

(And for context, female, my weight is approx 122 lb, I do eat meat and fish, and I already feel under control with all the carb and fat info for my activity levels -- this just seems so much lower than everything else, and I don't get why.)
@hawkerdriver1 Dietitian here (also worked with a few professional athletes/teams). Protein intake can range anywhere from 1-2.2 g per kg of body weight. We normally see the higher end used for strength athletes/bodybuilders and lower for endurance athletes.

You have to consider the fact that more protein will typically mean less carbs (which are essential to provide energy for exercise) to keep calories neutral, so depending on your goals and current program these prescriptions can change. For example, if you’re running a solidly strength mesocycle you’re likely good with higher protein, but if you’re aiming to hit a lot of metcons, then carbs are your friend.

Lastly, higher protein intakes are typically recommended (1.6-2.2) for weight loss to minimize muscle loss, which naturally happens when you lose weight.
@hawkerdriver1 I'm a bit confused myself because everyone seem to figure out their protein intake differently.

I've been lifting for a while now and always took between 1g to 1,5g protein X bodyweight in kg.

I'm 80kg so between 80 and 120g of protein per day, and it worked really well for both recovery and muscle gains.

I know some people do 2x bodyweight but I find it crazy.
@dawn16 Oh, in kilos... I have often read as many g in protein as weight in pounds, so you would be a lot closer to those Zone recommendations. Thank you for your input that it was good for recovery and gains. Much appreciated!
@hawkerdriver1 I had a nutrition coach set my goals and I am aiming for around 150g at 120lb bodyweight. (Although I am trying to gain muscle, but I would still aim high to maintain muscle)

I feel 1g / kg body weight would be very low.

I have heard people talk about 1g/lb of “goal body weight” which probably gives you a similar % of your total calorie intake coming from protein.
@hawkerdriver1 It’s dependent on your goals. To maintain muscle mass, my nutritionist sets me on 1g of protein per pound of nonfat body weight, so I am 175 with 12% body fat and I eat 150g of protein a day. To build more muscle, that should probably be a 1 to 1 ration of total body weight.
@alaric Okay, thanks - so you're also in line with the Zone recommendations as far as muscle mass maintenance. I guess there is the distinction right there. Makes sense!
@hawkerdriver1 Maybe I’m interpreting your math wrong, but the zone method scales it’s protein requirement off your activity level and estimated lean body mass.

Lower end is 0.7 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, so 95 grams of protein daily would mean that your estimated LBM was 135 pounds (135 x 0.7 = 95). You would then build your blocks off that, so 95 grams of protein means you need about 14 blocks per day. That would be something like 3 meals of 4 blocks each and then two snacks of 1 block, depending how you like to split it out.

Apologies if I’m wrong, but that’s how I do it.
@lvw Thank you for this. I will revisit my math. (I was going at 1 g per pound of LBM based on my activity level, which is relatively high.) Much appreciated!!
@hawkerdriver1 Zone is weird and it’s way easier to calculate intake with macros (like the rest of the fitness world) than zone. Plus, what kind of bacon counts only as protein? Looney tunes. On zone, at the highest intake (per the Journal) I’d be eating a 750cal/d deficit.

.8-1.2g/lb lean body mass is the common recommendation. So yes, 40% in grams is very much on the low side. Definitely low in a cut (which is when recommendations go higher for satiety reasons).

I assume that the inaccuracies in measuring blocks (eg oatmeal is a carb, but contains fat and protein; bacon is a protein but contains a lot of fat; etc.) is supposed to fill in the blanks.
@chantelle1989g Thank you! Yes, I think their feeling is that some extra calories will be made up since they know it's not super precise re: macros. I didn't know they called bacon only protein... but it's a good excuse to eat more bacon ;)
@hawkerdriver1 There are hidden calories/macros; Oatmeal contains protein, but we only care about the carbs, etc.

I am at 17 blocks a day, and it comes out to about 180 total grams of protein, but the Zone only tracks about 120ish (7x17).

I love the Zone Diet. If followed correctly, it’s easy and does what it says.