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    Mod Announcement

    @acer621 I really hope there continues to be high traffic and activity in the daily posts!! I enjoy being able to post questions/concerns/frustrations in a comment thread and get plenty of feedback, rather than take up space and time with a stand alone post. Plus, I feel like a lot of us have...
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    Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

    @wedemars I lost 40-50lbs and got down to about 118 at my lowest (5'2"), I'm currently trying to gain back a bit of weight and put on muscle. I more so want to look athletic and *gasp* maybe even a bit "bulky?"
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris You say you’re a healthy weight and I saw in another comment that before you were lifting you were probably eating 2k a day. That goes to show 1600 is definitely too low for maintenance especially when you factor in added energy output. You gotta eat to grow muscle. And the more...
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris I doubt 2500 is a big surplus for your size. We have the exact same stats and my TDEE is like 2350+. If you’re new to lifting it’s the peeerfect time to keep your calories on the higher end IMO. Newbie gains are real and will only be boosted by not being in a calorie deficit!
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    How long can it take to see significant improvement in cardio endurance?

    @jpollock I came here to preach the MAF method. I ran a couch to 10k and HM program last year using this method and made huge, amazing progress in 9 months, from not being able to run more than a mile straight to completing a HM.
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    Sheffield Powerlifing 2023: Preview and discussion post

    @nathan2018 Such a great post, thank you so much for the run down! I've been following along on instagram but didn't have all the info. I appreciate it!
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    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @jesse1354 Can you do sugar substitutes? If so I highly recommend baking your own treats with swerve/investing in Walden Farms 0 cal syrup
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @camo320 Thank you so much for the detailed response!! Your gains are so impressive 🤩
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @camo320 Great write up! Did you alter the program to make the 5 day weeks a 4 day split? I’m curious as I’m looking for new intermediate programs but I only lift 4xs a week (anything more and my body revolts a bit.)
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    [MOD NOTE] r/xxfitness was hacked, and is temporarily private

    @andersenkc I had a mini heart attack!! Very glad it's back :)
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    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @rue77 2000-2200 a day for me : 120-130 p / 250-270 c/ 55-63 f yesterday I ate breakfast- two homemade protein muffins, 200g of strawberries, coffee with almond milk (500ish cals) lunch: bagel with one egg, 69g of egg white, one laughing cow cheese, spinach, and some chips (500ish cals)...
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    6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

    @7an13l Awesome progress!! I’m so sad I can’t find a body scan in my city
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    Of all the places I have looked for self love, I had no idea I would find it at the gym

    @bill01 Preach girl!!! I'm still getting there but the part about sticking with it and it changing your life, I feel you. My friends might think I'm insane but it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.