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    Working out, work, and life balance

    @ilovemyfather Go to bed early, get 8 hours sleep and have the same routine every single day. I don't set an alarm and wake up naturally at that time now. On Sundays I get a lie in until 5am. Currently this is the best option so you gotta do what you gotta do.
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    Working out, work, and life balance

    @romanticcode Schedule siblings!
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    Working out, work, and life balance

    @romanticcode Yow! Schedule bros
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    Working out, work, and life balance

    @ilovemyfather Get up at 4am Prep lunch or dinner 4-5am whilst drinking coffee Warm up 5-5:30am Workout on weights days or work on cardio days 5:30-7am Start work at 9am If it's a cardio day, I'll do an 8-12km run around 10am Finish work at 5:30pm Bed at 8pm Asleep at 8:30pm It's a weird one...
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    Is strength training even worth it with insufficient protein?

    @nanathalieee Yes, it's worth it. Strength training signals to your body that you need to hold on to the muscle so it will be more likely to use the fat for energy and keep the muscle.
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    Information Overload

    @ilovegod777 It's just marketing. It's a good way to get people to buy your thing. Just do common sense stuff you'll be fine.
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    What do you guys do for drinks

    @rnstaplesattnet A can of sparkling water does it for me, I like those ones with skulls on like liquid death so I can pretend I'm an edgy teen.
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    I need some suggestions on important stretches before kettlebell workouts. I’m a beginner

    @travis2014 The warmup from simple and sinister is pretty solid or the limber 11 or agile 8 are both great as well.
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    40M looking for help on next steps

    @o0oshadow I like to put extra focus on bodyweight movements and conditioning when losing weight because you can drive both of those things up whilst the barbell movements stagnate a bit (especially bench). Pull ups and dips all day, which also helps with the looking like you lift. Add a bunch...
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    Home workout that works out :D

    @reneaz If the scale ain't moving then there's too many calories. Sucks.
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    37 y/o - protein supplements to help with gain

    @miriamf Beef, chicken, eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna - top stuff!
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    Pull Up Advice

    @storiesfly I had great results building loads of casual volume. 2-3 times a week serious sessions mixing bodyweight volume building (add total reps via sets or reps) on one day and 5x5 weighted on another. Greasing the groove in between and then also doing 25 pull ups every morning in a few...
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    Home workout that works out :D

    @reneaz You can't out work your diet, gotta eat less food.
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    Those with big, noticeable traps, how’d you get there?

    @loveoverdeath Too late, only cleans and shrugs
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    Curious how any of y’all are balancing endurance training vs strength training

    @adrastus The book Tactical Barbell 2: Conditioning really sums up balancing strength and endurance work. Took me from struggling through a 30 min 5k to a sub 2 hour half marathon and a 20:50 5k whilst still benching 100kg. Nothing fancy on either side, but decently capable. The main takeaway...
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    Those with big, noticeable traps, how’d you get there?

    @loveoverdeath Sweet, replacing all squats with hang cleans, gotcha
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    working out on company time

    @hkwh2019 How do you get anything done in 3-5 mins?
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    Those with big, noticeable traps, how’d you get there?

    @loveoverdeath Is that including the squat or like hang power cleans?
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    A calorie is not a calorie??

    @reddragon4444 I always think it's not so much about avoiding stuff that's bad, but getting stuff that's good. If I'm full of donuts I've got less room for meat and eggs and vegetables.
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    8:30 mile testing

    @oldgringo Run it on the hard one then and smoke the test