Those with big, noticeable traps, how’d you get there?


New member
This is a little vain, but I decided I want to start bulking a little after cutting and I’ve always thought that big traps make a person look more physically imposing.

36M, 6’2”, 205 lbs. but my traps are just normal to me. What are y’all doing?
@shawna27 Genetics is king. I have huge traps, easily my most defined body part. I don’t directly work them out ever. I think it comes with having a longer neck though.

Second most people with big traps that naturally wouldn’t are on steroids. Delts and traps have lots of androgen receptors and respond to gear well.
@shawna27 Farmers walks, pull-ups, face pulls, rear felt flys. Shrugs never worked for me but you could use those to prime them before your other lifts. Or overhead shrugs, those are good.