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    Don’t feel guilty for eating over the holidays!

    @zastari You’re also human if you stuck to your nutrition and exercise plan to allow you to keep moving towards your goals.
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    High cholesterol as a vegan

    @slowmarathoner It’s really difficult to find good information. Most of the stuff out there on any health subject is aimed at people who have to make big lifestyle changes and is really dumbed down for mass consumption. I feel like there’s a limited market for people like is so no one bothers...
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    High cholesterol as a vegan

    @slowmarathoner Mine has always has been higher than ideal. It didn’t change much after I became vegan about 3 years ago. I’m WFPB. I rarely eat meat or cheese alternatives and I don’t really use coconut oil. My BMI is 19. I lift, do cardio, take my supplements, do mobility stuff, prioritize...
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    Has anyone had any luck…

    @scripturalreasoning Breasts are made up of a combination of fat and breast tissue. The ratio varies from woman to woman. If you have a decent amount of fat in your breasts you can lose it by lowering your overall body fat percentage. If your breasts are mostly breast tissue they won’t change...
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    How do you eat enough protein without feeling disgustingly full be the end of the day?

    @amalthea333 I have my highest calorie and protein meal in the morning. No am almost never hungry these days and have to remind myself to eat. It’s a pain. I try finish dinner by 8 and then go for a walk after. I try joy to eat anything that doesn’t align with my goals. I’m also petite so I...
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    Bad follow up dexa scan, where to go from here

    @hvkadk12 There is simply no way you are even close to 31% body fat. There are things that can influence your DEXA results and I’ve read that they aren’t to be relied on for body fat but I don’t know much about them as I’ve never looked into getting one. Did they give you an explanation?
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    When is walking considered a workout?

    @anoncord I walk roughly the same amount. I don’t consider this a workout as it’s not any effort for me and I do it every day as part of my life, part of my NEAT. I battle to sleep if I workout after 3pm so I try do it earlier. Lately I’ve had early meetings so I’m back to afternoon workouts...
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    Do you think it’s doable for me to lose 6% of my body fat in 6 weeks?

    @evanea The more you start with the quicker you can lose it. Once you get done to lower numbers you have to work much harder. I really have to work to get from 21 to anywhere close to 20. My goal is 19 but I don’t think I’ll ever work hard enough to get theee.
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    Why Asians are overweight/obese at lower BMIs

    @godisveryreal This post is the perfect example of why representation matters everywhere, but especially in medicine.
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    Is there hope for smaller chest size?

    @doey26 Breasts are made up of fat and breast tissue. The mix varies from person to person. If your breasts are mostly fat then you can reduce them through diet and exercise. If they are mostly breast tissue then you’ll not see any real reduction. If you’ve been told you have dense breasts then...
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    How do you eat enough protein without feeling disgustingly full be the end of the day?

    @whothat Vega makes me sick to my stomach too. I used to for ages as it’s what my trainer recommended. I’m using Sun Warrior now which has been awesome for my stomach. I’m going to try PlantFusion next. I’ve read good things.
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    Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

    @dikaioumenoi I cook it with Indian or Korean spices. Super simple and really tasty.
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    Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

    @shieldofangels Food is fuel. You eat for the nutrients. This man isn’t mindless stuffing his face with empty calories. He’s clearly eating to hit whatever health and fitness goals he has set for himself. If a smaller person is following the same path they’ll feel the same way he does when...
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    Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

    @dikaioumenoi It’s easier when you stay away from processed foods. Protein bars tend not to be filling and they are high calorie. I’m vegan. I eat a variety of whole, fresh foods. I do one scoop of protein powder in my breakfast smoothie bowl but otherwise I eat tofu, soy milk, beans, lentils...
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    4'9" and i hate it

    @rj7tennstars It’s all relative. Honestly if you were taller you’d likely have the same eating habits. Your weight does put you quite solidly in the obese category. This means that you’ll be able to shed weight easily by making some small changes to your diet and moving your body more to get...
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    Finally got dumbbells and…

    @kaylarose3 I’m doing 7kg (16lb) for shoulder press right now and I was so damn proud when I was able to do a full set that I told very single person I know. 11kg is a lot out of the gate.
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    Diet Q

    @rinalamb This is a great book. It totally changed how I eat.
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    Diet Q

    @neahkahnie Ideally you should be getting your protein from a variety of sources. I’m vegan but even when I was eating meat I rarely ate red meat and almost never ate ground beef. Maybe if you’re getting it farm direct from hormone and antibiotic free cows fed a natural diet. A lot of what they...
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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @jodi1028 People don’t like to hear that they have to work for things. I experience this all the time when people ask about my routine or diet. No girls, I’m not drinking “a glass” of wine and skipping workouts. No one wants to hear this. No one is following those who tell the truth about the...
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    Too much protein ?

    @ocean_soul Women need more protein as we age simply to retain existing muscle. I’m older than you. I aim for a minimum of 100g a day but hit more most days. You aren’t going to gain weight by eating too much protein. Your body uses more energy to digest protein than fat or carbs. You gain...