Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

@dikaioumenoi I would cut down the size of lunch with less rice and meat and add way more veggies for volume. Maybe try a salad instead, if you need a carb you can add a bit of quinoa or rice. It sounds like a lot of what you're eating is calorie dense, check out the r/volumeeating sub for ideas! I'd swap the 300-cal protein bar with something like the Think Thin bars which are 150 or just a more filling snack, I like popcorn.
@dikaioumenoi How is your sleep? I find if I’m not sleeping well and feeling rested my body wants a lot more food.

What vegetables are you eating? Your lunch is just chicken and rice? Protein shakes and bars are tasty and convenient, but some have a decent amount of sugar and can make your blood sugar spike. Which leads to a crash and being more hungry later. Fiber helps control blood sugar. I would try adding some very low cal but dense vegetables in like broccoli, spinach, peas, brussel sprouts, carrots, chickpeas, celery. You’ll get more micronutrients and fiber which will help you stay fuller longer. Maybe sub some of the rice out for roasted broccoli and bring carrot sticks in a bag with you! Put some spinach in your after workout smoothie.

Choosing chicken breast instead of leg meat or doing half breast half thigh will save you some calories.

Make sure you drink 1ml of water for every cal you eat. (So for you 1.7 liters a day)

Good luck! Don’t forget muscle is built by your body while you sleep. :) get some zzz
@dikaioumenoi The protein thing is mostly marketing BS in western countries. You can listen to the great protein fiasco on Maintenance Phase to learn more or check out the Starch Solution to learn how weight loss is totally possible with carbs. Everyone in the US is getting enough protein. It comes down to calories and satiety. I have been traveling the world for a year. Other countries don't obsess over protein quantities eating rice or pasta all day and yet, have way less of an obesity problem than the US. I used to be on the protein delusion wagon too and am so glad to now be off.
@dikaioumenoi Chicken, girl! You know those big fat chicken breasts in the family packs? One of those is at least 50g of protein. Also, protein powders that are above 20g exist! The powder is cheaper than the pre made shakes, and they go all the way up to 50! Also, Oikos Pro yogurt cups are 25g of protein.
@dikaioumenoi I'm at 1400 cal and 130-140g temporarily, so I supplement a lot, but it's not long-term. I'm also vegetarian so I don't eat any meat at all.

I was going to suggest the Fairlife 42g shakes, but it sounds like you already do those.

Premier Protein has some pretty good premade shakes for 30g at 160 cal.

I recently found Legendary Foods, which makes "pop tarts" and sweet rolls with 20g between 180-230 cal. They're not the same texture as real poptarts, but I really like them.

I also like Kodiak Cakes waffle mix and oatmeal packets. I add egg and soy milk to the waffle mix instead of water and you have a pancakes or waffles with 20g protein.

I make protein shakes with ghost vegan protein powder, plain greek yogurt, soy milk, and a half scoop of plain pea protein that are 61g protein and just under 400 cal(meal replacement). You could probably get a higher protein count with whey powders, but they upset my stomach so I don't use them.

I try to replace this with higher protein versions, like instead of tortillas, I use egg wraps or the Folio cheese wraps, but they're a bit high for calories. I use Banza chickpea pasta instead of the regular kind. I also like Beyond jerky and Twin Peaks protein puffs as a snack when I'm looking for something salty.

I hope some of that is helpful.
@dikaioumenoi Eat to live. If not eating is making you tired, then there is something wrong there. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but you are doing your body a great disservice if you aren’t feeding it.
@dikaioumenoi It’s easier when you stay away from processed foods. Protein bars tend not to be filling and they are high calorie.

I’m vegan. I eat a variety of whole, fresh foods. I do one scoop of protein powder in my breakfast smoothie bowl but otherwise I eat tofu, soy milk, beans, lentils etc. I do need to be mindful of what I eat. I basically cut out junky snacks without protein, which freed up a lot of calories.
@forwhatitsworth That’s true, I often reach for protein bars as an end of meal snack or if I’m just rushing between work and school. I definitely could be more thoughtful to plan more fulfilling snacks for the day

After making this post I’ve searched up that protein is only 4 cals / g of protein so it seems like I’m not getting the best bang for my buck for my protein bars as I thought🥲

I really want to get into eating tofu but preparing it seems difficult, do u have any advice or resources for novice cooks😅?
@dougt I live in America 😭 we have similar goals though I believe 1350 cals/98 g of protein is comparable to 1700 cals/ 140 g of protein. I’m trying to do body recomp so I need a higher protein intake (I also may weigh more than you)
@dikaioumenoi It'd be easier to give recommendations if you could be more specific about what you're consuming.

For example, my breakfast would be an English muffin, whipped cream cheese, egg. This is 225 cal & 12g protein. Then I'd have a Fairlife protein shake after workout for 150 cal & 30g protein. This is 375cal & 42g protein.

Lunch I eat a lot of different things but just an example a salmon spinach salad with vinegrette, feta, strawberries is 355 cal & 25g protein.

Snack would be Greek yogurt (80cal / 12g P) & a protein bar (190cal / 21g).

Dinner is a big variety but a meal I like a lot is edamame pasta with alfredo sauce & shrimp. 360 cal & 39g protein.

This would put my day at 1360 calories & 139g protein.
@dougt Wow that’s really a lot of protein for only 1350 cals 😳

My preworkout meal is 220 cals / 23 g of protein (protein cereal + Fairlife milk)

My post workout meal is 230 cals / 42 g of protein (Fairlife protein shake)

Then for lunch I’ll have 2 chicken leg/thigh (ik that sounds like a lot but I’m genuinely just that hungry), 1/2 cup rice, and maybe roasted vegetables (700-800 cals, 80G+ of protein)

Ill have a protein bar for 310 cals and 20 g of protein (power crunch). After reading the comments this may be my downfall since it’s not super satiating, takes up a lot of cals that’s not efficient for protein.
@dikaioumenoi Hold on… you’re trying to stay under 1700?

You do know you’re not eating food. Protein shakes and bars shouldn’t make up majority of your daily diet.

Boiled eggs
Tuna Packet -17g of protein
Turkey Slices
Rice cakes w/ peanut butter

These are things you can easily take with you.

I don’t know what brand shakes and bars you’re eating. 550 calories are crazy!!!! If your bars have that much calories… they probably have a lot of sugar. Sugar makes you crave sugar. That could be why you feel crappy in the morning.
@chrismonolo So my protein shake is the Fairlife core power which is 230 cals for 42 g which is pretty good. but my protein bar is 310 cals for 20 g of Protein (power crunch) which is probably too many cals for a protein bar, but I can’t seem to find any other bar I like 😭 I might just have to give them up

I’m trying to stay at maintenance and meet 1700 cals, I don’t mind as long as I’m within the 1600-1800 cal range depending on the day (I tend to eat more on leg days to carb up). I definitely do want to go below that tho!
@dikaioumenoi Girl… That was my leg day snack lol. I eat the 220 calorie bars, I got tired of them 😂😂.
Instead of eating one bar for 312 cal why don’t you have the bar and tuna packet. You definitely need more protein from food and things like the bar and protein shakes aren’t really nutrient dense food. I know you said that you can’t really bring a lot of food with you because you’re on the go but I know if you were eating at least four meals a day with carbs and veggies. You wouldn’t feel so hungry. You know I mention carbs, but what are your macros that the trainer gave you?

I used to work with team elite physique and I just checked my macros and I was at 1600 cal with 174 g of protein, 101 g of carbs, 53 g of fat. I was completely stuffed lol. I’m used to eating 1300 cal so 1600 is insane for me lol
@dikaioumenoi Honest to god, it’s hard. I am happy when I get 80g which is way more than I used to get pre-fitness so I call that a win.

I did not eat well nutritionally either in my lower calorie days. That’s one of the reasons I don’t see calorie cutting being viable long term because it’s harder to hit those macro goals and rotate your foods so you’re getting your antioxidants, foods for a good gut, magnesium, iron, and different vitamins on a low calorie budget, and even harder when you eat takeout sometimes. But I think giving yourself grace and not optimizing for every goal can help you get there. Rank what’s more important now, and you can come back to those other goals at a later point.
@dikaioumenoi I look for anything and everything that has added protein lol Aldi has some good options that I use like protein bars (24 grams per bar), protein bread ( 10 g / slice), high protein pancakes and tortillas. I also pack yogurt with me for my lunches and pack "lunchable" stuff with me like deli meat and cheese. I drink a protein shake every day with soy milk, that gives me about 30 grams. Then I make sure my dinner has meat for the protien. I usually hit about 100 grams, some days more!
@dikaioumenoi If you are near an Asian grocery store, I'm going to promote kinako pancakes some more for protein variety.

1 tablespoon = 5g protein for roasted soybean flour, so adding 1/2c kinako to 1/4 pancake mix gets me 30+ grams of protein. Plus, it's pancakes. You can freeze or fridge them and stick them in a toaster/oven to make them convenient.
@dikaioumenoi I eat yogurt, egg whites, protein, protein shake in the morning and one after my workout, and a protein bar. I eat other things too but those are basically my main protein sources.