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    I guess I’d better get used to barely eating anything 🙄

    @hcmcity SECOND THIS! I’m 5’4 and 140 lbs. I body recomp to gain muscles and lose FAT. I don’t look 140 and people say I look 120 because of how lean I look
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    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    @jesusjue But it sure killed mine.
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    Is doing 30 min cardio 3-4 times a week enough to see improvements?

    @ladyinjury1818 I agree with adding long walks. I recommend structuring it a little differently. Day 1: at least 30 minutes incline on treadmill. This is INTENSE and it will prepare you for the hiking. Day 2: Rest. Day 3: Swim about 25-50 laps. Day 4: Rest. Day 5: stationary bike or jump...
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    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    @pleasesaveme I know, but some people are trying to go from average normal weight to the bare minimal close to 18.5 BMI. And I suggest weightlifting and macros because they’re currently eating 1200-1300 cals and that will kill their metabolism, making it Harder to lose weight in the future and...
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    Can’t lose 5 lbs

    @lt11 How tall are you? Have you considered body recomp (lose FAT instead of losing weight)?
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    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    @stillstanding27 Righttt! I want to be able to crush a watermelon too. Our quads are DEFINED.
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    New to fitness

    @jillxz Hiii! Yess! I recommend eating 1g of protein per bodyweight. And lift HEAVY. I have my routine. You can find many many free routines online. Try all of them and incorporate it to your own Monday - Lower Body A (Quad/Squat focused) Warm-up: Incline walk on treadmill for five minutes...
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    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    @tavares Thank you! I also follow that sub and I have no complaints about their posts. They’re actually about FITNESS.
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    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    @pitterricherd Hell yeah! I love this kind of stuff. Fitness and NSV goals.
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    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    I’m so sick of reading posts about trying to cinch the waistline or get to a weight that’s beyond lower than the healthy weight you’re already at. This is a FITNESS sub. Focus on HEALTH. Focus on strength. Focus on nutrition. Sure we’re here to look a certain way and lose fat, but the main point...
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    How the heck do I prevent DOMS???

    @nikki225 Keep working out. Dynamic stretches before and static stretches after.
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    The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?

    @adriana28 Noooo. With that activity level, you are undereating. I recommend body recomp (lose FAT gain muscles AND boost your metabolism) especially because you’re at a healthy weight already. You’re doing everything else just perfectly. Eat 1400-1600.
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    My fitness goal: be able carry my 130 lbs partner from the couch to the bed without waking her up. How to achieve?

    @whatgoeshere This is amazing!!! You’re already doing super fit things (damn bouldering is hard AND you lift). Definitely try carrying weights for longer periods of time. It’s not the same type of training as you do in the gym, but train to simulate the same muscles that are needed to carry...
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    F(21), 5’1, 125LB: Realistic weight loss timeline?

    @perrin You’re doing great! I’d even say you can do it in less than 5 months (but at least 10 week). That said, weightlift and protein will help gain muscles and lose FAT. Body recomp is super good because you’ll be able to boost your metabolism (increase your BMR/TDEE), thus making it easier...