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Hello. I’m quite new to working out. I’m a 21 years old female, 5foot 1in and 122lbs. I’ve been stuck at around 120lbs+/- for the past two years. I eat around 1,500 calories a day. My diet includes a lot of fruits, veggies, some rice, yogurt, salmon, chicken, and steak. I’m determined to gain muscle and lose body fat since I have a little chub on my belly and I have a very round baby face. My main goal is to gain muscle and lose body fat without losing my booty! I’d also like to build my glutes and booty. I work out Tuesday thru Saturday, rest sundays and mondays. Does anyone have any free workout plans/programs for each day of the week to achieve the same goal I have? (PDFs, google docs, etc). Thank you! ❤️

The workout plan below is what I’ve been doing daily (Tues-Sat) and it takes me around 1 hour and 15 minutes. Please help me revise the plan and give advice or suggestions, tweaks. This workout leaves me sore and I’m worried it may be too much for 5 days straight, I don’t want to overwork my body.

1. Stretch

1. Glute Bridges 1 x 15
2. Lying leg raise 1 x 15 each side (legs stretch up and down )
3. Side leg abduction 1 x 15 each side (up and down on side)
4. Scissors 1 x 15
5. Donkey kicks 1 x 15 each side
6. Backward Kick sits 1 x 15 (leg cross other leg back side)
8. Plank push-ups 1 x 15 (plank then go to mountain stretch pose)
9. Vertical knee leg lift 1 x 15

Weights (8lbs & 10lbs dumbbells)
  1. Bent over row 2 x 15 (8lbs)
  2. Bicep curls 1 x 15 (8lbs)
  3. Curtsy lunges 1 x 15 (backward lunges one leg cross behind 8lbs)
  4. Lunges 1 x 5
  5. Squat and lift dumbbell 2 x 15 (10lbs)
  6. Lateral raises 1 x 10 (8lbs)
  7. Kettleball squat swings 2 x 15 (10lbs)
  8. Kettleball sides 1 x 15 (10lbs)
  9. Weight plate back extension 1 x 15 (10lbs)
Chest and shoulder:
1. Chest press 1 x 15 (45 lbs)
2. Shoulder press 1 x 15 (45lbs)
3. Lat pulldown 1 x 15 (40lbs)

1. Hip abduction 1 x 15 (85lbs)
2. Hip adduction 1 x 15 (85lbs)
3. Leg press 2 x 15 (80lbs)
4. Leg extension 1 x 10 (25lbs)

1. Treadmill walk 5 minutes (6.0 hill, 3.2 speed)

1. Stretch
@jillxz Hiii! Yess! I recommend eating 1g of protein per bodyweight.

And lift HEAVY.

I have my routine. You can find many many free routines online. Try all of them and incorporate it to your own

Monday - Lower Body A (Quad/Squat focused)
Warm-up: Incline walk on treadmill for five minutes;
Dumbbell squats. 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlifts 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
Dumbbell Lunges 2x10
Leg press 2x10
Leg extensions 2x15
End - Jog/Run 15 minutes or 1-1.5 miles
Abs: Planks, leg raises, crunches.

Tuesday Upper Body day (Chest, triceps, biceps focused)
Dumbbell bench press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps;
Dumbbell shoulder press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps;
Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Bicep Tricep Extensions: 3 sets of 12-15 reps;
Dumbbell Chest Flys: 2 sets of 12-15 reps;
Abs - planks, leg Raises, and Reverse Crunches; Sit-ups with weights;
End - single arm dumbbell clean and press

Wednesday - cardio and abs
25 minutes HIIT. At least two miles on the treadmill. Hit 10 mph.
Crunch with your feet in the air
Side crunches touch opposite feet
Plank side to side
Leg raises and down
Burpee jump to a squat
Jump squats
Lunge jumps

Thursday- Lower Body B (deadlift/hammies focused)
Warm-up: Incline walk for five minutes;
Deadlifts: 3x5;
Single Dumbbell Sumo Squat: 3x10;
Dumbbell Step Up: 3x8;
Leg curls: 3x10;
Romanian Deadlifts 2x10;
30 Dynamic Plank (plank and turn to side to lift one arm up);
30 Mountain Climbers;
30 Barbell swings

Friday Upper Body: (Back and shoulder Focused)
Lat Pulldowns: 3x8-10;
Sitting row 3x10; (superset with above)
Barbell Bent Over Row: 3x8-10;
Barbell Upright Row: 2x12-15;
(Superset Bent Over and Upright Row)
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 3x12-15;
Dumbbell Front Raises: 3x12-15;
Idk what it is called but you pull cables with your elbows in front to 90 degree angle back from overhead (same cables as tricep extensions) and you feel it in upper back
Hyperextension Roman Chair Back Extension
Planks and Plank Hip Twist
Optional - assisted pullups
End: burpees holding weights or
kettlebell swings

Saturday - Glutes
Hip thrusts: 3x10 (slow when dropping weight down)
RDLs 3x5
Sumo DLs 3x5
Sumo squats 3x5
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8
Step Ups 3x10
Kickbacks 3x10
Abductions: Inner Thigh/Outer Thigh - 12-15 reps. 2 sets each, superset
That machine where you push one leg back at a time. Similar to kickback
Stairmaster - 20 minutes

Sunday - cardio/HIIT. Run 5k on treadmill or outside. Time it.

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