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    After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

    @ghostinsa I love AE jeans!
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    Workouts for REALLY weak woman?

    @dianad373 Run slower. So slow it looks like a jog. Maybe even slower. Jog. Walk. Do bodyweight squats. Counter pushups. Knee planks. Bird dogs. Deadbugs. Do exercises using no weight or 1/2lb weights. Try this video for your core Be consistent and patient. Even if you're sore, it's okay to...
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @raika Agreed. What about replacing warm up sets with mobility work and some jumping jacks/jump squats?
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    Preventing Bacne

    @dawn16 Ah yes. Thanks!
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    Preventing Bacne

    @dawn16 What's sls
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @oneanswer It's okay to pick at them throughout the day or even finish them the next day. It's more about the calories over a period of time than just for one day. I have daily goals but even if I'm a little under one day and over the next, so long as it meets my goal at the end of the week...
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @oneanswer Do you use a food scale and track calories? Honestly you could put on 15lbs and look great. I agree with the others, the routine is pretty wonky. Check out /r/gainit for eating. There's also a meal prep subreddit.
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @oneanswer What are your goals? Generally for a 3 day schedule like this, you would do 3 total body workouts, focusing on compounds. Though you do sound a bit limited in equipment/weights... edit: do you mean this
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @oneanswer Yes!
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @dynamitex True that.
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @dynamitex Aren't they for like everything actually? (Not literally but multiple muscles/groups)
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @dynamitex Aren't swings more for the legs? Edit: the goblet squats every day might be SL/SC inspired?
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    Squat form check 105 lbs x 5

    @cbaker000 Definitely!
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    Squat form check 105 lbs x 5

    @halighhaligh Knees over toes can be okay, especially for thy long femured! But I agree - it looks pretty good!
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    Squat form check 105 lbs x 5

    @finnallen101 My most recent motto is "Strength is half bravery" (especially for beginners). The other day was only my second time barbell squatting. Someone challenged me to do 135lbs (I'm 5'2" 115lbs). And guess what? I did it! Since then I've been busting through PRs by leaps (I hit a PR...
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    Squat form check 105 lbs x 5

    @chelleaiken81 Saved. Future personal trainer here. Goal is not to be a dumbass people laugh at on reddit.
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    worried about pelvic floor strength

    @chrisb76 Just the term "4th degree tear" is making me queasy while I eat my pot pie lol