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  1. P

    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @p77cf For about a decade, I've lived with one simple rule concerning what happens first thing in the morning - "eyes open, feet on the floor." That's it. Literally just stand up. Just do that every single day - once you're eyes are open, you stand up. Do that for 30 days straight and it'll...
  2. P

    Weight lifting Q

    @sandragonz This is a deep rabbit hole you're about to go down, and if you ask 100 trainers and athletes what you should be doing, you're likely to get 50-100 different answers. That said, if you want to get strong (and you definitely should want to get strong), following a program like...
  3. P

    What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

    @asdfbill75 You should focus largely on developing strength, and maybe do metcons 3 times per week just to maintain a basic level of "metcon fitness." Add in some Oly lifting technique work with a knowledgable Oly coach, and some gymnastics training (again with a good coach) to round things...
  4. P

    Am I doing too much?

    @thex Third (and I'm just repeating and stressing what others have said), significant strength gains should be coming (more or less) easily at this point. If you're strength training 2 hours a day every day, you are likely overdoing it, at least with the sleep and nutrition you have. Again, a...
  5. P

    No grip strength

    @apor2017 Funny way to pronounce Kalsu.
  6. P

    No grip strength

    @rudolph1 There are three types of grip strength - hanging from something, holding onto something, and squeezing things together. TTB require the first (as do pull ups, etc.). You improve hanging strength by ---wait for it --- hanging from things. That's it. Before and after every class, hop...