What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

@asdfbill75 Strength and skills. Not doing double unders, handstand stuff or ring muscle ups in sets are big areas to improve and can be improved relatively fast with coaching and consistent practice but strength takes time.

From the strength perspective, I have had good results following Smolov Jr twice in a row (3 week cycle, deload week, 3 week cycle adding 10-20 lbs to the starting weight) every time I feel like I’m not getting stronger (during which I cut back heavily on running or metcon, but usually do something upper body on non-squatting days)
@asdfbill75 Aim for 90kg snatch 120kg clean and jerk 160kg squat all achievable in a year

Spend 15ish minutes practicing being upside down every day

Get those RMU and dubs in next month
@asdfbill75 You should focus largely on developing strength, and maybe do metcons 3 times per week just to maintain a basic level of "metcon fitness." Add in some Oly lifting technique work with a knowledgable Oly coach, and some gymnastics training (again with a good coach) to round things out. Even if you suddenly had DUs, RMUs, handstand walks, etc., you'd be extremely limited in how far you can go in a serious comp by your strength. You're not a weakling by any means, you just don't have numbers that come close to where you need to be if you want to make serious run at competing.

The good news is at 25 you are absolutely primed to pack on powerful muscle mass if you work hard at it, eat enough protein (and enough in general), and gets lots of sleep (and it can't hurt to minimize/avoid booze intake). Spend the next year getting much stronger, and you'll be in a much better competitive position as you acquire skills and hone technique. Find a good lifting program and hit it with intensity and focus, eat lots and eat well, and sleep, sleep, sleep.

Good luck and happy training!

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