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    Help! Workout nutrition question

    @hawkangel Either will work. Protein powder costs more because it's a convenience item. If you can hit your intake goal without it, you don't need it.
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    Total beginner to working out

    @kingdavehit No need to be concerned, you're just new to exercise. It's supposed to be difficult
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    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    @truth76 It's possible, and not all that hard relly for beginners who are overweight and undertrained. It's still possible beyond that stage but it gets really slow and tedious.
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    Is this a good split

    @winginit Start with the basic beginner routine to get a handle on the main lifts. PPL is kind of a stupid split for anyone but it's really not necessary for a young beginner.
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    Is this a good split

    @evolveman No he's not
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    Is This A Good Workout For My Goals?

    @luckycharmz The workout is fine; make sure you eat enough, progressively overload your weights over time, and you should see some positive results. But there's nothing you can do to round out your hips. There's no muscle at all right around the joint (where the "dip" is), and thus nothing to...
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    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    @truth76 Stop using the app and follow a real weightlifting routine instead. You also have to EAT if you want to build muscle.If you want to get leaner, that's a separate issue.
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    18 F - Help designing workout routine

    @joannad You cannot work yourself to skinny. Best thing you can do is reorient your diet around protein, vegetables, and whole, minimally processed carbs. And start following a beginner lifting routine.
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    Tdee q

    @arielxii How big are you? That is a large amount of calories.
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    What Would you change in my workout routine?

    @sblair Juiced or not taking every single set to failure is a bad idea. Save that for your top set on each lift
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    @neodakine Androxal (enclomiphene citrate) has been shown to increase both total and free testosterone. It's legal for civilians to take, but considered a PED and banned by the WADA. You need a prescription to get it. I've tried it and it did increase my testosterone (allegedly, according to...
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    Tdee q

    @arielxii I usually recommend this one to start with. Set your activity to sedentary regardless of your workouts because they all overestimate the calories burned.
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    Tdee q

    @arielxii You're right I did. Yes, it should be. I guess that's why the spreadsheet is only one tool. Plug into a couple of online calculators and see what they say.
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    33 y.o 230 lbs M; Haven’t worked out in over 2 years. Gym advice

    @quinzy22 I think you have the right idea, my lifting workouts never take me any more than 40 minutes. When to change routines depends on the routine. If it's linear progression, you can ride it until you're no longer progressing according to the program. You're a big guy, so that could be a...
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    Tdee q

    @arielxii All I can figure is it's overreacting to the weight lost, calculating that if your lost while eating 4200, then your maintenance is probably now 3750. Or something like that.
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    Acceptable pain around iliac crest after using belt squat machine

    @tomorrowtoday Yeah I used to get some irritation there when I belt squatted. Kind of inevitable unless the belt is really well padded
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    apple watch accuracy

    @zybinjohn You don't really need to track calories burned from exercise and there isn't really an accurate way to do so. Just control your food intake and consider and extra calories burned via exercise as a bonus
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    6 day hypertrophy plan

    @brianwatts I hope you're a pretty advanced lifter if you've decided this is something that will achieve what you're looking for. Starting with a single (or zero) set of certain exercises is a bold strategy, let's see how it plays out
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    apple watch accuracy

    @zybinjohn It's not really accurate for anything. You can use it to compare like against like re: data points, but it's not a reliable source of calories burned
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    Few questions before starting - im stupid please help d-_-b

    @dylanboyle789 Start here, that wiki has everything you need. I read this as "I'm the type of person who would rather use not finding the perfect routine as an excuse to never start in the first place." Stop that. There are routines in that wiki, pick a beginner or bodyweight one and go. Do...