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  1. J

    The Troubles With Doubles

    @sup3rb0wlz That's just a capacity issue. The way you get better is to work on them while fatigued in a workout. Ultimately you'll end up finding the timing where you either bound your hops harder or whip your rope faster in order to conserve leg energy.
  2. J

    Am I doing too much?

    @thex What do your strength sessions look like? It's very possible that your strength sessions aren't structured correctly to elicit strength gains. But that is also very dependent on your nutrition. You can get stronger at maintenance calories but it will be slow. If you're not already sniffing...
  3. J

    Marathon Training

    @truthnotfiction I am currently in the early stages of Marathon prep coming from solely doing CrossFit 4-6x per week. My first few weeks all I did was replace 2 classes with 3 mile runs and added a 3 miler and a 5 miler on top of classes for 2 other days each week. This caused quite a bit of...
  4. J

    I’m the crying girl

    @xmountainx That’s not bad advice at all. If you scale the weight so you can keep moving at a good pace and move safely you’re still getting the stimulus. And if you’re not first to finish by like 5. United because of it then I would say you scaled appropriately
  5. J

    CrossFit burnout?

    @bonlin I started doing CrossFit about 9+ years ago as well. The difference is, I have deliberately taken some extended breaks to do other styles of training. I've always done 1-2 WOD's per week even while doing Powerlifting or Bodybuilding style training for the bulk of the programming. It is...