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  1. J

    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @jbhoneyangel You have obviously gotten stronger and developed technique using the band assist. But you maybe also learned how to perform the movement with some aggression. A lot of people who are trying to get their first pull up will hang there and then start to "pull" but they don't really...
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    What do u have for breakfast

    @bagr4 4 whole eggs, a banana and a slice of homemade sourdough.
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    8 years off

    @lep If you ever feel bloating or gas from the brown rice switch to white. I did that about 6 years ago after only eating brown rice for the longest time “because it’s healthier” and it made quite a difference
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    8 years off

    @lep You definitely want to be smart about the carbs you’re consuming and match the amount to your activity level. If you over consume carbs they just spill over and store as fat so start with 20-30g about an hour before your workout (1 average sized piece of fruit) and see how you feel. You can...
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    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @p77cf I would talk to your doctor about your meds. Those could make you feel lack of motivation. If it's not that, it sounds like you just need to get into a strong routine. Don't go a ton one week, I would maybe even suggest not going back-to-back days. If that time of day is difficult...
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    8 years off

    @lep Honestly fruit would be my suggestion. Everyone generally stomachs fruit well without any GI distress. Personally I stay away from whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal because they cause me some bloating and gas.
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    8 years off

    @lep 9 year CrossFit athlete here (36M) I would suggest that you back off the intensity in conditioning pieces for a bit but not too far back. I'd recommend taking the approach of starting slower than you want to and pushing harder in the end based on how you're feeling after the first portion...
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    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @diamonddolljeanette Yes I realize. It seems to me that if you train CrossFit and you are capable of doing these things separately, you should be able to do them in the same day. If you want the test to specifically be back to back you'd probably word it as "back to back." Same day can be spaced...
  9. J

    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @diamonddolljeanette If you can run it that fast and lift that much it's possible. The 2 different challenges could be done 12 hours apart and not really affect each other at all.
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    Murph preperation

    @snowzee The push ups are usually the sticking point for a majority of people. Honestly, unless you want to do a large volume of push ups outside of your normal programming you'll just have to suffer through it. At some point during 200 push ups you're going to fatigue and have to do small sets...
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    How do you know when not to do a second crossfit workout in the same day?

    @truthnotfiction If you're not trying to be competitive or make a big physical change quickly there's no reason to do 2-a-day.
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    Worst WODs for a newbie

    @mydonspace I would say anything with high volume pull ups (if the person is able to do them) or high volume sit ups.
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel The answer you’re looking for is: “yes you can build your chest with a KB press” but that’s untrue. But feel free to do what you like. Just offering my advice. Building muscle takes work, sorry.
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel Nothing more minimalist than getting down on the floor with no equipment and doing pushups.
  15. J

    Where do you store your personal records?

    @ciel Sadly...I don't.
  16. J

    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel Why cut out push ups and dips?
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    The Troubles With Doubles

    @sup3rb0wlz That's just a capacity issue. The way you get better is to work on them while fatigued in a workout. Ultimately you'll end up finding the timing where you either bound your hops harder or whip your rope faster in order to conserve leg energy.
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    Am I doing too much?

    @thex What do your strength sessions look like? It's very possible that your strength sessions aren't structured correctly to elicit strength gains. But that is also very dependent on your nutrition. You can get stronger at maintenance calories but it will be slow. If you're not already sniffing...
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    Marathon Training

    @truthnotfiction I am currently in the early stages of Marathon prep coming from solely doing CrossFit 4-6x per week. My first few weeks all I did was replace 2 classes with 3 mile runs and added a 3 miler and a 5 miler on top of classes for 2 other days each week. This caused quite a bit of...
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    I’m the crying girl

    @xmountainx That’s not bad advice at all. If you scale the weight so you can keep moving at a good pace and move safely you’re still getting the stimulus. And if you’re not first to finish by like 5. United because of it then I would say you scaled appropriately