Marathon Training

@truthnotfiction Your plan sounds good! Keep up the two-a-day if you can, and never neglect your long runs! Although my timing improved significantly since I started crossfit despite my weekly mileage significantly dropping (there’s only so much time I can dedicate to exercise a day) and what i found was my legs started giving out much earlier than usual in races…. Hitting the weekly mileage is so important

Another thing - avoid heavy hamstring / glute work 1-2 days before your long runs. I had to cut short or under pace way too many long runs because my hamstrings/butt were too sore from a deadlift session. Legs should feel “fresh” to execute long runs!
@truthnotfiction I have a marathon in April, I've just completed my first half marathon a couple of weeks ago. I actually think a half marathon is very, very manageable.

I don't personally believe you need to do 4 running days a week, I do 2, maybe 3. My schedule looks like this;

Sunday - Long run.

Monday - Rest.

Tuesday - Shorter but faster run.

Wednesday - CrossFit.

Thursday - CrossFit.

Friday - Sled work or five-a-side football.

Saturday - CrossFit, long pair's workout.

There might be some sprint work on any given CrossFit workout but volume is usually low.

I'll actually probably keep some running even post marathon as I think it has made me a better athlete, but I just won't be doing regular 20+km runs.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
@truthnotfiction I am currently in the early stages of Marathon prep coming from solely doing CrossFit 4-6x per week. My first few weeks all I did was replace 2 classes with 3 mile runs and added a 3 miler and a 5 miler on top of classes for 2 other days each week. This caused quite a bit of knee and ankle soreness/ fatigue.

Now in my 2-a-days I will do some tibialis raises and low weight lower body prehab style movements like walking lunges, deep squats with raised heels, soleus raises and gastrocnemius raises. Then some bodybuilding style upper body movements like dumbbell or kettlebell presses, curls and rows.

I'm still doing 3 WODs a week and my mileage has increased and my soreness is nonexistent.
@truthnotfiction There wasn’t much running leading up to it. I decided I was going to run the race the day before, I saw the course map and realized I was only going to see my wife at the start and finish so I figured running beat standing around waiting for her. If you’re doing CrossFit 3-4 days a week you can get away with 1 long run and 1 short run per week and you’ll be more than prepared.