Worst WODs for a newbie

@mydonspace My first CrossFit class was an EMOM of cleans, snatches and front squats. I had no idea what I was doing and was pretty humbled (embarrassed) with how little I was able to lift. It led me to finding an Olympic weightlifting gym and coach. Two years later I am more technical than pretty much everyone at the gym.
@mydonspace Depends, if theyā€™re an athlete Murph or grinds like that really arenā€™t that bad. For me Iā€™d be more pissed at high skill so either muscle ups or like a snatch complex or something where youā€™re totally lost and frustrated.
@mydonspace I never did any kind of onboarding or foundations classes before my first WODā€¦ it was Isabel and even with an empty barbell, I think I got mild rhabdo. Couldnā€™t straighten my swollen arms for 3 days. Hideous. Canā€™t believe they had me do that and not with a PVC!!
@mydonspace I guess it depends on the person. For me, anything related to pushups, handstand, handwalk and wallwalks would be pretty terrible. Also any pullup stuff (my arms are weak and I weigh a lot).
@mydonspace With partner
30min amrap
Partner 1 does as many rounds of...5 wall balls, 3 ring muscle ups, 1 power clean @225/185
While Partner 2 does 250m assault runner .
Partners switch after every 250m run. Continue where you left off on the 5wb, 3mu, 1pc.