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  1. C

    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @mackman55 This is a poor argument. Just because we don't have the most accurate ways of measuring it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There definitely is a limit. Yes, some will exceed 25 FFMI but these are the exception. Majority of trainees won't get near 25. There's a reason why most...
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    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @mackman55 We know what the limit is and for the very few it's around an FFMI of 25. The majority of trainees won't get to an FFMI of 25, some won't even get close regardless of what they do.
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    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @mackman55 So are you saying there is no limit?
  4. C

    What 'things' do you do that aren't 'supported' by research but you still do and have seen results from?

    @ohiggins Yes but sticking with a weight for "quite sometime" doesn't exclude adding weight to your exercises over time.
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    What 'things' do you do that aren't 'supported' by research but you still do and have seen results from?

    @trumpeter2 When you're able to conduct a study over 6 months let me know. Until then it's the best we have smart ass.
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    What 'things' do you do that aren't 'supported' by research but you still do and have seen results from?

    @hopeandgrace Point to me in the original comment I replied to where progress was discussed as a primary determinant of muscle growth. Show me.
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    What 'things' do you do that aren't 'supported' by research but you still do and have seen results from?

    @dawn16 You didn't discuss the importance of progress in your original comment, you only discussed your belief in the importance of failure. Whoever downvoted, thanks.
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    What 'things' do you do that aren't 'supported' by research but you still do and have seen results from?

    @dawn16 Hogwash. If this were the case, then we wouldn't have to add weight to lifts to get big.
  9. C

    24 y/o, 5’3”, 198 lbs, self evaluation bf 26%

    @antidepressedali About 160 pounds at contest level lean.