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    Newbie here, need some few advice, thank youu

    @mooh I can see that you are very passionate with your fitness journey. I cant help but see myself in you when youre telling your story. But also like me, you are overwhelmed with information. Like you I was also so overly methodical with what I was doing. Long story short my tip is for you to...
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    Can you review my program?

    @lyfia Suggestions lang: Day1: Try going for dumbbells for your second pressing movement. It can prevent muscle imbalance or atleast regulated it. Day2: Too much quad excercise, Not enough Hamstring sets. Swap out the Leg press to an RDL or stiff legged Deadlift. Day3: Clump up your back...
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    Need opinion/critique on my planned 4-day split

    @maddog54e On your Monday Push, try clumping your shoulder excercise together so that you can target them while theyre still warm On your Chest and Back day, try doing more compound movements like; Close grip bench press so you can target the triceps aswell Underhand closegrip latpulldown for...
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    AF Coach Sales Talk

    @parzival Happened to me with my "free 1 day coaching sesssion". 5 days 6k pesos. I shit you not after I walked out the door, It felt like na budol ako. With enough exposure sa free knowledge sa internet, you can learn on your own. Theres also places like here to ask more niche questions.
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    Rule 1 Whey Protein Question!

    @etaters When buying R1 and ON, you should check to authenticity of the seller. These brands can still be fake. Some use repurposed packaging with fake whey inside.
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    Thoughts on getting a personal trainer for a month?

    @jchima14 Depends. I always go againts AF coaches. Cuz they are greedy and not really good at what they should do. I suggest getting a reliable online coach. Having a coach to teach you right then and there is good but unless you know someone already. Its still okay to get a coach from...
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    2 months of weight training

    @kaai Mon - Upper Tue-Lower Wed-Rest Thur - Upper Fri-Lower Sat-Rest Sun-Rest
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    2 months of weight training

    @almighty100 2 months is good enough to assume you know the very basics of lifting. Kung 3 days ka lang sa gym and PPL, I suggest going for an Upper/Lower body split. This way you can target the different muscle groups multiple times a week. You can bump the sessions to 4 days and maybe the gym...
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    Correct Progressive Overload and Training til Failure

    @promiseb Try to perfect the others first like sleep , nutrition and form. If its still the same, do a deload week, where you lift lighter with fewer sets and higher RIR. Dr. Mike Israetel has a great video on how to deload properly.
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    @smitty7000 Oh so fake stuff. I thought you were taking some real shit.
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    @smitty7000 What is your "testosterone booster"? Kinda curious lng
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    50% caloric deficit

    @quant I dont think 1600 cal on your weight is healthy. Try to increase your protein intake more to around 150. Dont eliminate carbs and fat. Make an excel file monitoring your daily weight change and adjust your calorie intake base on how many you are losing each week. 1kg a week is enough...