50% caloric deficit


New member
Can someone please educate me? Last December my doctor told me that I am pre-diabetic. I changed my lifestyle. Quite drastically tbh.

Here's my stats. I AM FAT AS F*CK

Height: 175cm

Weight (Mid December 2023): 127.6kg

Weight (Today 1/11/2024): 119.6kg

Age: 30

Gender: Male

My goal is to be around 80kg by September 2024.

So I now eat a balanced diet. Daily calorie intake is around 1500-1600. A lot of greens, protein rich foods (~120g protein per day), and a little bit of carbs. I also do around 3 hours a week of weight lifting (Push-Pull-Leg program). And 6-7k average steps per week.

Now I believe (based on my TDEE - light), I am around 50% calorie deficit. Is this safe? Should I eat more (Sometimes I feel a little bit of hunger but I am definitely not starving)? Will my metabolism slow down? Should I consume more protein? I'm also worried with loose skin. Do I just continue with what I'm doing?
@quant Aside from caloric deficit, you need to do some weightlifting. Muscles increase metabolic rate which will make your weight loss more sustainable
@quant I dont think 1600 cal on your weight is healthy. Try to increase your protein intake more to around 150. Dont eliminate carbs and fat. Make an excel file monitoring your daily weight change and adjust your calorie intake base on how many you are losing each week. 1kg a week is enough. Also hydrate. Not just water but proper electrolytes. Google what those are. I went from 95 kg to 76kg in about a year at 5'8 height. I credit my progress to heavy weightlifting.
@quant 3 hours weightlifting and 7k steps per week is pretty weak. try for 10k steps per day and 1/2 hour to 45 minutes at the gym every day (one day off).
@quant I think you should give yourself a little more room for a few hundred calories, especially since you exercise. If you keep going at that rate, even if you don’t feel it now you’ll eventually burn out. Just make it a lifestyle if you don’t need to be urgent cuz that’s what will keep the weight off once you finally attain your goal.