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    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    @lovely_krystal86 I like Dr. Mike's videos and how he and Jared present information. I don't follow it as gospel but the ideas of full ROM and not ego lifting seem to be working well for me.
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @childofgod84 I have saggy old man balls I should have said that, so yeah if im on my stomach they are probably somewhere back there
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @marianna26 Maybe I am picturing it wrong, but I am picturing dropping the weigh on my balls.
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @dadude Depends a lot on the machine. My gym has all Matrix stuff and I really don't like their fly machine. Doesn't feel right.
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @thebelovedofgod DB fly for sure. Skullcrushers never felt right to me, now doing them to my neck/upper clavicle makes my triceps feel like their gonna explode. Straight barbell curls over EZ bar.
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @startemple A cue that I like is the feeling of pulling the harness down on a rollercoaster. I like the straight bar but some people prefer the rope.
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @faithfulmommy1821 Your volume is too high and all over the place. Find a proven routine.
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    @prestodabesto This is a good one. So few gyms have a real pullover machine, and this seems to be a pretty good replacement. Also nice exercise to end the back part of pull day and give your biceps some rest before that part of the session.
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    What's your daily schedule look like?

    @prayersword Here is my normal weekday but here you should lift in the morning. As you get older and have more responsibilities, it's the only answer, in my opinion. I have a busy job (lawyer) and 2 kids. Working out after work is a recipe for disaster. 6-7 - wake up, eat cereal, pack...
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    @breezer Most pre-workout is bullshit. Just drink some caffeine and a Gatorade. But also "total war was total shit" made me laugh
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    Forearm Training

    @bastionhd I mean, if you have time, every day. I do PPL, so I throw them whenever I have some time, but always on pull day at the end. I've never had forearms soreness that affected a workout the next day.
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @faithfulmommy1821 Do you need an entire week to recover from a leg day? If not, do legs 2x a week. Do a hamstring exercise first. Make at least one of them a hip hinge movement (SLDL, Good Morning). Then do your quad exercise - squat, leg press, hack squat. Then do something else. Lunges, leg...
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    What's your daily schedule look like?

    @renie That is one hell of a union rep you have there.
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @doks This is pretty much the answer to 90% of the posts here. Completely scattershot routine with tons of junk volume. To your point, yeah, hamstrings are so efficiently trained, whether by hip hinge or leg curl machines. I don't know how anyone could do more than one hamstring focused lift...
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    7 sets for both hamstrings and quads?

    @confusedgirl98 I was doing SLDL for a while and just not feeling it, plus I have grip issues due to a skin condition so any deadlifiting kinda sucks now. I put in smith machine good mornings about 2 months back and holy shit I feel like I am on the hamstring torture rack. Sore for days.
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    What's your daily schedule look like?

    @renie My wifes a teacher that lunch break is fucked lol. She brings a tiny crockpot to heat up frozen soups for lunch because she'd have to use half the time waiting for the microwave. Most people get more like an hour, which is also pretty tight to hit the gym. I guess it works if you don't...
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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @solokwa He doesn't say 4-6 exercises per muscle per workout. He says "Only do 4 to 6 WORKING SETS per muscle in a workout". I think that is generally good advice. Once you get a sense of how to actually push yourself through hard reps, you can absolutely crush any muscle within that range...
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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @solokwa Then you aren't pushing those sets hard enough. How are you progressing? Do you have a set rep range on the bench? Are you increasing weight/reps each time you hit a lift?
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    4 - 6 exercice per muscle by workout ?

    @solokwa You should stop worrying about optimal and what people on PEDs are doing.