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  1. M

    Change split routine

    @stewy0042 Assuming you're doing 6 days a week- have you got bicep curls in your pull and tricep extensions in your push? Quite usual to have those isolations in and 2x a week should be enough. Can add lateral raises to the end of any day.
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    Gym Anxiety

    @goddreamer0715 Lots of gyms will offer an induction when you sign up, so someone would take you around, show you what's what. Might help you get over the initial nerves of going by yourself. Or, if funds permit, an initial session with a trainer. Most people are generally too engrossed in...
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    How do you accurately know how many calories you’re burning?

    @donna8558 You can't accurately. Best thing is to carry on doing what you're doing. If you find you start losing weight too quickly or too slowly, make moderate adjustments up or down to your calorie intake (200-300).
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    Am I doing too much? Too Little? More rest days needed?

    @pronobis Taking a week off won't undo any of your work. In fact, it may help. Many people have a break or cycle in a "deload" week (lifting light weights & taking it reasonably easy). It gives the muscles time to recover and grow, ready for the next cycle of lifting. Also, a rest may let...
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    Losing strength in gym

    @ehunter If you need to lose more weight but have been dieting for a long time, it is advisable to have diet breaks every few months. It sounds like you sort of already know what your body is telling you. Rather than bulk, I'd just eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks (or longer depending...
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    What’s been your biggest barrier?

    @convictionofgod Sounds like you may have a shade of ADHD? Your system doesn't sound silly at all. I found tracking workouts offers a huge benefit in terms of motivation. (I use an app (Hevy), not a chart but the principle is the same, plus I get to nerd out over stats/progress/data). I...
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    Losing belly fat & hip fat

    @melissac Fasting / juice diets etc are not sustainable. Nor is a 1000 calorie deficit. I'd just carry on lifting, maybe a moderate drop in calorie intake from what you are eating now... don't treat it as sprint. If you are tracking, reduce by say 300 for a few weeks and see if that works...
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    Help understanding progressive overload

    @manycoloured Here's a video about Periodization that explains it better than I did.
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    Help understanding progressive overload

    @manycoloured The explanations have probably changed as the science changes. Similarly, people used to focus on the contraction and now it's all about the stretch and even sometimes just doing partials instead of full ROM. It's easy to get too wrapped up in the minutiae of all the science...
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    Help understanding progressive overload

    @manycoloured The explanations have probably changed as the science changes. Similarly, people used to focus on the contraction and now it's all about the stretch and even sometimes just doing partials instead of full ROM. It's easy to get too wrapped up in the minutiae of all the science...
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    Help understanding progressive overload

    @manycoloured I think what you are describing is Periodization not progressive overload. (Although part of the Periodization is progressive overload). (Btw - 5 years is hardly beginner! 😁) Progressive Overload can be done a few different ways - adding reps, sets, weight or even just making it...
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    Exercises I need to do to bulk up

    @regalia If you're currently doing 6 days a week and full body, you might actually be overdoing it. I had this problem. Even made myself ill. Took a week off, deload whatever and found that a grew more when resting a few days. I actually get better results doing 3 days instead of 6. It's easy...
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    What can I do in 6 months?

    @xthemessenjahx Agree with all the above but a slight clarification - eat a gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you're 100lb overweight, no need to eat additional 100g. If OP has no idea how much fat they are carrying, a different rough estimate is a gram per centimetre in height.
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    Little results, can I get some advice?

    @utookmyname All excellent advice from FlameFrenzy. To be honest, your workout doesn't actually look too bad and 3-4 times a week is absolutely fine. But I'd definitely look at following a programme (you can set your own, just keep to it) - then you can log progress which will help keep you...