Exercises I need to do to bulk up


New member
Hey guys, I'm 22 y.o. men 5'8" going to gym again after years of break. Started from November 1st. In last 50 days, after working out 5-6 days a week, I've only gained 3kgs from 52kgs to 55.5kg. So I'm thinking rather than spending 2-2.5 hours on the gym using all the machines I'm just going to do some exercises where deadlift, bench press, squat and t bar will be daily exercises with bicep, triceps forearms, shoulder and calves dividing in particular days in week. Is these exercises I'm going to do daily good for bulking. And obviously I'm going to do 10 min ascending walk on trademill with 6-8 min of running everyday. Any advise you have for me about adding other exercises or regarding the exercises I'm going to do regularly?
@regalia First of all if you want to bulk up you're going to have to eat at a calorie surplus, so use an online calculator or app to find you TDEE and add a couple hundred calories.

If im reading this right you're going to squat, bench and deadlift everyday for 5-6 days a week? If you're doing these exercises properly you're going to be very fatigued even on a bulk.

If you have 5 or 6 days to workout I'd recommend a 6 day push pull legs routine or an upper-lower, push pull legs routine. Find one online for an actually structured program that'll have you in and out in 1hr-1.5hr

As long as you eat at a surplus you'll gain weight (both muscle and fat unfortunately) how much you want to gain depends on how big of a surplus.
There is an illusion of complexity to gaining weight / building muscle, but it is actually really, really simple. It comes down to the following three factors:
  1. Resistance Training
Resistance training is the stimulus that drives your body to build muscle.

Your training needs to be difficult enough to drive growth, and consistent over a long period of time.

It is always best to follow a structured, proven routine created by a professional.

Recommended routines can be found here: Strength Training / Muscle Building
  1. Calorie Surplus
Eating more calories than your body uses, in total, each day. This is necessary both to build muscle and to recover from training.

Use any TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator to estimate a starting point, then eat more than that each day, monitoring your scale weight to ensure it’s going up.
  1. Protein
To maximize muscle growth, set your protein target each day for whichever of the below is greater:

160 grams per day

0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight, per day

Ideally this is spread out over 3-4 meals throughout the day

@regalia IMO I'd stick to compound lifts to target multiple muscles if you want to reduce time in the gym.

Bench press
Incline bench press

I tend to do 4 compounds, then 2-3 isolation
@regalia If you're currently doing 6 days a week and full body, you might actually be overdoing it.

I had this problem. Even made myself ill.
Took a week off, deload whatever and found that a grew more when resting a few days. I actually get better results doing 3 days instead of 6.

It's easy to get overenthusiastic when starting out I think. If you must train 5-6 days a week, as others have suggested, pull, push, legs probably a better split to give more recovery time.

And Eat. Eat.
@regalia You need to take IGF-1. IGF-1 DES is safer and only lasts 20 mins, so you need to target specific muscles. IGF-1 LR3 lasts about 24 hrs and goes everywhere. But LR3 can cause more organ growth, since it’s less targeted, so you can use it for a little bit, but don’t overdo it. 100 mcg is about the dose you want for either one.
@regalia Going to the gym more often without the aid of steriods won't make you grow muscles faster.
  • Your rate of MAX muscle synthesis unenhanced is fixed by genetics.
  • The purpose of training is to create microtears in the muscle fibers and cause neuroadaptations.
  • Your body then synthesize new muscle fibers to repair the damage and if there's any capacity leftover, help you grow bigger/stronger.
@regalia Eat oats after dinner with milk, one egg daily morning(raw boiled),chappathi, this helped me to gain over 14 kilos in the lockdown period ..I was 67 slim now' I am 84 bulked( I do gym 2 hours 6 times a week)