What can I do in 6 months?


New member
I have a wedding in 6 months. I want to look my best.

I’m so out of shape and I struggle w severe anxiety and agoraphobia. I’m unemployed so my budget is limited. I don’t know what to do.

I need to make so many changes that I don’t even know where to start.

@sn33zy90 Start by making a 6 month plan: go in a calorie deficit and eat atleast a gram of protein for every pound you weight (consistency is key), start a weight lifting sceduale and do some cardio everyday, make it simple you don’t have to run a marathon every day a 30 minute walk will be good
@xthemessenjahx Agree with all the above but a slight clarification - eat a gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you're 100lb overweight, no need to eat additional 100g.

If OP has no idea how much fat they are carrying, a different rough estimate is a gram per centimetre in height.
@sn33zy90 If a gym is not within your budget, then bodyweight exercises and walking and jogging on a trail or around your neighborhood. If possible, you could get a small set of dumbbells and work with that. Cut alcohol, soda, and junk food as much as possible from your lifestyle if you partake in them. Good luck!
@sn33zy90 Do a slight caloric deficit. If you loses about 2 pinned or week, you will lose about 52 pounds in 6 months. If this is too much for you, adjust your diet as needed.

Without money, you can do r/bodyweightfitness exercises and walk each day. Advance to jogging as you get more fit.
@sn33zy90 Congratulations on your decision to get married!!

6 months is a great time to get in shape!

It's simple because following steps worked for me-
1. Eat Healthy
2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day
3. Sleep well
4. Join a fitness group (optional) - helped me a lot.

And, if it worked for me, then it should work for anyone :)

Feel free to ask any questions or if you want to reach out for anything.

Wishing you the very best on your fitness journey!!

And, wishing you a Happy Married life !!!!
@sn33zy90 Sorry.

Wishing the newly married couple a Happy Married life!!

I joined a local running group, which helped, especially during those extreme weather conditions :)

Currently, we have a group that meets virtually at 7:30 AM (morning) Pacific time, every weekday.
@sn33zy90 These type of questions are hard to give a genuine answer to... I don't know anything about you so I can't give you any advice other than the shit you've heard a million times.

Go do some cardio. Cut some food out. Start lifting a little bit. Just don't overwhelm yourself. Pick one or two avenues to introduce to your life and just ensure you're doing them consistently
@sn33zy90 Potentially ..you could lose 20-40 lbs. realistically you could lose 10-15, depending on how old you are.
I’m almost 50, work out 6 days a week for 30-60 minutes with a variety of weights, swimming, running or cycling. I’ve lost 8 lbs in 3 months with a pretty good diet.
@sn33zy90 Okay this sounds weird, but try ChatGPT. It can create a meal plan, and work out routine for free. Now will it be the most personalized and scientifically most efficient/effective plan for you, maybe not but it will be pretty good starting spot that you can adjust as you try it. At the end of the day, consistency is key and ChatGPT might be able to take the thinking out of it
@sn33zy90 1/ Focus on nutrition. Try the 30/30/30 method : consuming 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise. Maximise your intake of fresh products and minimise highly processed food.
2/ Try walking 5k steps a day.
3/ Follow a program, so you just have to do and not to think. I follow Pamela Reif’s weekly plan. She has tons of options and I don’t have to think or organise anything. The hardest part is showing up, then I just keep crying whilst exercising.
Congratulations on your wedding. Wish you all the best and please don’t forget that you’re worthy no matter what.
@sn33zy90 YouTuber workout plans are what got me started in fitness, you can follow their plans without any exercise and you’ll feel great after completing the days. Chloe Ting is who I started with. Then I would stick to mostly whole foods like actual meat and veg rather than processed foods and you’ll start to feel a lot better.