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    How many weight I can lose in 3 months?

    @japel 1 pound per week fairly reasonable, so 13 pounds in 3 months. If you really want to push it, maybe twice that much. But you would have to be extremely disciplined. It also depends on how much body fat you are starting with. You can't really get below 5% body fat. And losing weight by...
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    Getting in shape as a single mom

    @ilwj Calorie intake (diet) is the key to weight loss. It's a lot easier to eat 500 fewer calories, than to exercise enough to burn 500 calories. For example, on a stationary bike, burning 500 calories would probably take you around 45 minutes. A realistic goal for weight loss is about 1 pound...
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    @cees For diet, thinking long term is key. Fad diets or restrictive diet plans are guaranteed to fail, because you'll get sick of it and fall back to eating lots of things that sabotage your goals. If it feels like punishment, you'll do it for a few months or a year and then you'll get tired of...
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    New jogger looking to eventually run a mile. Need tips!

    @wolftone I think running is a bit overrated as exercise. The impact on feet, ankles, and knees is a major disadvantage. Cycling, on the other hand, is good cardio exercise outside, with no impact, and you can cover more distance so you see more places. I would do cycling for a year and get my...
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    @nwajesus If you're losing weight rapidly, you're probably not eating enough calories. If you're losing weight slowly (1 pound per week) that's probably about right. I'm not clear what your daily calorie intake is - 1900 or 1300? 1300 sounds like it's not enough, but maybe you're not accurately...
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    protein w veg indian diet

    @glitter1986 pea protein is supposed to be less gritty than others.
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    Weight gain after weight training

    @prayerwarrior02 6 pounds is within the range of fluctuation just due to water retention / dehydration that I've observed myself, so your observation could be explained by that. Muscle does weigh more than fat, from what I've read. But your goal is not a number on a scale, but looking and...
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    Weight gain after weight training

    @prayerwarrior02 How much of a difference are we talking about - how many pounds? There can be small-scale weight fluctuations due to factors other than fat and muscle. Water retention is one of them. Intense exercise can trigger a healing process in the muscle, which is generally accompanied...
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    How should i use rest days

    @alwayssaved I think 4 days of high-quality workouts (hard, targeted, good form) is better than 6 or 7 days of low-quality workouts.
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    Is this realistic for a 15 year old who doesn’t work out

    @jeremyumc You might have to work your way up to it, but you can take your time doing those push ups. For example, do it as 5 sets of 5 and rest in between. Same thing for the other exercises, break it up into sets and rest in between
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    Want to lose weight but not sure where to start

    @itry56 True, avoiding sugary beverages (soda, juice, chocolate milk, coffee drinks etc) is the easiest way to reduce calories. Don't buy it, don't keep it at home, don't get it in restaurants/on the road.
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    Any advice on losing weight?

    @tmur use a calorie counting app like MyFitnessPal. It's a fair amount of effort, but it's very useful. After you've used it every day for a month, you probably have a good idea of where your calories are coming from, so you don't have to use it forever. The free version of MyFitnessPal is...
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    Doubled weight in pregnancy. 8mos PP. Have 2 10lb barbells and 35lb kettlebell. What’s my timeline on losing this weight??

    @tiffy420 That's a whole different set of challenges, I did not anticipate that this was your situation. In that case, make sure that what you're eating is the highest quality in terms of protein, vitamins, and minerals. By getting enough protein, you can ensure you benefit from your workouts...
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    Doubled weight in pregnancy. 8mos PP. Have 2 10lb barbells and 35lb kettlebell. What’s my timeline on losing this weight??

    @tiffy420 The general guideline seems to be that losing 1 pound per week is sustainable. So in your case it will take about a year. If you try to go faster, it makes it more likely that it could lead to yo-yo dieting. While it's good that you're exercising, I think diet and calories are more...
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    Do I have chance to become fit?

    @gamesbx You're still young, so you can do it if you really want to. It's going to take some time, but the best time to start is now. Arnold Schwarzenegger said (I think it was in the movie "pumping iron"): decide what your goal is. Then for everything you do, every decision about what to eat...
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    is it possible to lose 35-45 lbs?

    @zavia 35 pounds in 75 days is 3.5 pounds per week. Usually 1 pound per week is considered a reasonable pace. Going 3.5 times as fast is probably not a good idea. To lose 1 pound, you need a calorie deficit of 3500 calories. 35 pounds = 122500 calories. Over 75 days, that's a calorie deficit...