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    Does Meal Timing Matter? - Menno Henselmans, Stronger by Science/Danny Lennon & Roberts et al

    @dawn16 Most of the wiki will be kept simple but provide resources where the reader can read in-depth on the topic. However, for controversial topics like this one, this is what it'll look like. That's not to say that this topic is really all that controversial because it isn't. Really you...
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @jesusloveselonmusk Congrats on the win and the pro card, man. Also, damn what a sick vacuum.
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    Eric Helms - Does Evidence make you work harder or less hard? Training to Failure Recommendations (Summary Included)

    @niecey85 So often I see comments like "Avoiding failure? You're just trying to train easy!". No, because stopping 1-3 reps shy of failure on a weight I can do 12 of means that I am also doing several more sets than I would had I trained to failure. That means I am spending more time in the gym...
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    Today would’ve marked the start of a 15 week prep. Here’s the result of 6 weeks of cleaning up the bulk in anticipation of this contest prep

    @reyes4christ I agree with the ones recommending evidence-based guidelines. Please do tell me what a fat neckbeard I must be.
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/2/2019

    @mattheuu Why do you want to dehydrate yourself?
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    How can I afford meals?

    @americandeist Spaghetti is surprisingly budget friendly. A serving of noodles is 25cent, serving of sauce, 40cent, the big expense is the hamburger. But with how cheap the rest is, I think it makes up for it. Other than that, at my most broke, I would buy a large cup of greek yogurt, mix it...
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/2/2019

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    How can I afford meals?

    @bobwhite They also overload them with calcium.
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/2/2019

    @nathie From
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/2/2019

    @richardthelambheart You can always ask any question in this thread. That puts your maintenance around 2100 calories with lifting included. [.] Rates of weight gain for novice lifters [.] For you as a 140lb intermediate, this would be 2.6lbs per month. 0.65lbs per week. Requiring a...
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @commando95 Psychologically, do you feel like the refeeds helped you or do you feel like they just made the cravings worse when you had to go back to grinding?
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    when should I increase my working set weight?

    @hiatus I usually work my way up to 14 reps. Then I'll do a few workouts at 14 reps and then add weight until it's 10-11 reps. Of course though that's a more slower approach.
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @commando95 Was looking forward to reading this. Still though, really good work given your situation. That's probably the longest crash diet I've seen someone do. I remember back when I did Lyle's U.D 2.0 and thought that was rough. At least in that diet, you get 2 and a half big refeed days...
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Damn dude. You look amazing, congrats. Few questions though: How the hell do you do that much cardio and still manage to hit legs twice a week? I've been trying to implement a lot of cardio as well and am hesitant to do legs at the start of the week so that I can get through cardio...
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    Write-Up For My First Show!

    @commando95 Joseph Gordon-Levitt?