How can I afford meals?

@americandeist See if your university has a food bank. You can also search for food banks near you. It's free. They have more food than they can distribute. Pay it back by donating or volunteering when you are able to.
@americandeist Bulking in college I drank a gallon of milk a day…it’s not the healthiest, but my bloodwork was great. Probably due to being young.

If you can stomach it it’s a great plan, $2.50 for 128g of protein and 2400 calories lol
@americandeist Terrible. All the fake milks have garbage macros and cost way more. You’d be better off taking a lactase supplement or drinking fairlife but I know fairlife is a lot more expensive than regular milk.
@amelia97 I disagree. It has more protein and less carbs than other milks which makes it significantly easier to work into your meal plan. I’d rather save my carbs for whole grain, beans, and cereals rather than waste it on sugar water with trace protein.

But you’re completely missing the point of fairlife in that it’s lactose free which OP commented worries about their stomach.

You bring up good points about fairlife being nutritionally superior to other milks, which I wholeheartedly agree with, but the reason I brought it up at all is because it is lactose free.
@bobwhite Unsweetened soy milk has pretty good macros at 100 cals/7g protein/7g carbs/4.9g fat per cup, vs 149 cals/8g protein/12g carbs/8g fat for whole milk. Definitely the best macros of the non-dairy options. It is more expensive than dairy milk though.
@americandeist Spaghetti is surprisingly budget friendly. A serving of noodles is 25cent, serving of sauce, 40cent, the big expense is the hamburger. But with how cheap the rest is, I think it makes up for it.

Other than that, at my most broke, I would buy a large cup of greek yogurt, mix it with protein powder and eat it throughout the day. Mix in whatever cheap stuff you want for extra calories