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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @jaharrttttt Looks like he's on a bulk in that pic...duder's been absolutely shredded before.
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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @werewolf Yeah, when r/keto was starting to take off several years back every other post was "OMG!!1!1! FAT BOMBS!!1!1!!" lol
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    Risk v reward

    @pengyone We all gotta start somewhere! I did at 47 (after a lifetime of on and offs) and now getting pretty strong at 52. Just keep moving heavy things and you will start to look back fondly the farther you progress from here.
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    Frustration with My Workout Routine - Seeking Advice

    @leah3018 As stated already here, you're likely doing way too many reps at wayyyy too low intensity. If you were grinding out those sets with the required intensity you would be puking and crying at the end of every session. Stick to a compound lift and maybe 1 or 2 accessory lifts afterwards...
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    @mnh84647 Yep, can confirm. Gonna be 52 next week. I didn't find anything resembling consistency until last year, and I'm 90+ percent there. Had to do some joint rehab here and there, and I'm long-limbed so it gets harder as the weight increases, but I'll be a solid 1/2/3/4 for a few reps...