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    LifeFitness resistance levels? Also, any confidence tips?

    @txguy92 Just know that everyone had their first time trying free weights. It is a little intimidating, but not hard at all. Pick a low weight and see how you do. If it's too hard, move down, too easy, move up. Remember that you're paying for the use of those weights too and you have every right...
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    program for 50+ novice (4-6 months in) lifter

    @meow69 That's too bad that they're using his name. I don't think the forum sounds like my cup of tea, not being a dude and not into kids really. His stuff is man-centric enough for me as it is. Thanks for the info though.
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    program for 50+ novice (4-6 months in) lifter

    @johnnyleon I also use the hevy app, it's great. I also use Boostcamp, it's free. You might want to check out 5/3/1 for beginners. I did that before starting 5/3/1 Boring But Big on the Wendler 5/3/1 app. That one is $7 just one time. Funny thing is, I add all my workouts to Hevy for tracking...
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    Humble brag. Just wanted to tell someone that I quit drinking, quit smoking l, and quit marijuana for 30 days now

    @calvinabume Well done, no need to humble brag, that is worthy of straight up in your face bragging.
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    Advice for Weightloss

    @fibo777 You need to count calories and weigh food to loose weight. Use a TDEE calculator to estimate how many calories you burn daily and eat less than that. What you eat doesn't really matter, just know that breads and processed foods tend to have a lot more calories.
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    New Program, Shift in Focus

    I started the Reddit PPL 4 weeks ago after over a year of doing what the personal trainer gave me last summer. A few months before starting the PPL I started building up to the big compound lifts and once I could do all of them with the barbell I decided it was time. Here are some thoughts and...
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    When did the machine start breaking down and how did you power through?

    @grace_mercy 49 here, haven't started falling apart yet. Go get checked out, and maybe make some lifestyle changes. I get the occasional twinge, but nothing pt hasn't fixed. I'm the strongest I've ever been, started strength training about 1.5 years ago.
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro I'm almost 50 and started doing them last summer. I'm very cautious of form and really like the results. I know some people cringe at his videos, but Alan Thrall's deadlift one really clicked for me.
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    Fitness Goals for 2024

    @hallartistry I want to be able to do an unassisted chinup/ pull up (I know the difference), and actual push ups. I shouldn't be too far off on those. They are somehow a true test of strength for me. I'm 5'11" 170 lb pretty lean F and can bench 110 easy now, and just switched from lat pull downs...
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    Need help getting started weightlifting

    @tipsasetra Boostcamp app has a lot of beginner programs and it's got a free version that works great.
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    How am I loosing weight but my gut is bigger ?

    @cometoyouhumbly That's because the belly is usually the last place to lose fat. If other parts of you are getting smaller, that can make your gut look even larger or still stretch out a size l shirt.
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @mynamechef Yeah, as I wrote, I used to use fitbit, now I use macrofactor. They track all those things.
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 Absolutely not. I find it pretty pointless and a waste of my time. I rely on what I see in the mirror. I tried tracking muscle density via bioimpedence and found it to be horribly unreliable. I take photos 4 times a year in the same workout clothes with the same camera angle and...
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    new to the gym and looking for a good starting PPL split but have no idea

    @h0peful4change I think it's the novelty of it, and people think access to "all the internet" is great expertise. I would never use chat gpt to write my reports for work (I tried it out for fun and it was pretty bad).
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo Oh, I'm the same. I've just started lots more protein. Time will tell.
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    new to the gym and looking for a good starting PPL split but have no idea

    @h0peful4change While OP's made up routine is "similar", I agree that using the rfitness PPL is probably a better way to start. You can find it for free on the Boostcamp app. I used it, and it helped me reach the end of my newbie gains pretty well. I upped my big lifts quite a bit.
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    33 y/o male not sure what to do.

    @alabama54 Best of luck! Macrofactor is an app I use for food tracking. It's a paid service, but probably the best out there for tracking and losing/gaining/ maintaining weight.
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    33 y/o male not sure what to do.

    @alabama54 You need an actual weight lifting program. It'll make a ton of difference. Check out the rfitness wiki, or even the boostcamp app. I personally really like the app. Make sure you also eat enough protein and get as much sleep as you can. 2 months is nothing in the scheme of things...
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    I have no knowledge and I’m just confused

    @praying4you Try to eat about .8 grams of protein per lb of your goal weight a day.
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    I have no knowledge and I’m just confused

    @praying4you I think they meant to find your maintenance TDEE.