Advice for Weightloss


New member
I need advice in my mission weightloss which seem to give up alot of times...

I am 101 kgs and my height is 5'10.

I workout 4 to 5 days a week for the past 1.5 months ...

my gym trainer has suggested that I use BPI Sports CLA + L Carnitine as a weightloss supplement alongwith the workout..

for my diet i take 4 slices of bran bread in breakfast with little bit of butter because i just cant eat bran bread alone it seems to dry and for lunch i take 250 gm of salad and for dinner i eat a chicken tikka which is cooked in steam..

is this a good routine for visible weightloss in a couple of months...

Please advice
@fibo777 Yeah, you certainly don't need to, and shouldn't take any supplements for the purpose of weight loss.

As commented before, you need to weigh your food and log it, so that you know (accurately) how many calories you're consuming. With the information you can start eating in a caloric deficit, which is the only thing that truly matters in terms of fat loss.
@fibo777 Get a new trainer. The tried and true method for real weight loss that sticks is counting calories and focusing on making long term changes. Supplements aren't going to do it for you. Your trainer doesn't sound like they have your best interests and long term health as a priority.

Also, healthy weight loss is considered to be an average of 2 or less pounds per week. At your weight, you may be able to shed more in the beginning, but it's really important to go low and slow to keep yourself from burning out and "yo-yoing" back to unhealthy eating.

Especially when you are excersizing, you need to be eating enough calories to keep up your excersize routine and not burn out or get injured.

Look up a few calorie counters online and take an average of them to get an idea where you should start. Be very, very honest with yourself about your activity level. You will need to weigh your food and track your calories in a notebook or through an app (MyPlate or MyFitnessPal are great) to keep track. Weigh yourself and adjust your calorie intake every couple of weeks to dial in. Losing too slow? Cut 100 or 200 calories off your daily intake. Losing too fast? Add 200 calories to your daily intake.

Losing weight in a healthy manner is a longterm goal. It's important to get your mindset to looking months and years in the future in order to be successful.

Good for you for getting started!
@exabus2 This is the way! I would also suggest to increase your daily activity start with 8k-10k steps daily and if you do all he said ☝ youll lose pounds in no time.
@fibo777 Just weigh and track 100% of your intake and be honest. A little bit of butter is not a little bit usually. Create a deficit.

This is not that complicated and you don’t need to “diet”. Eat what you like but eat less and track, track, track. Not glamorous but it works.

Also remember it is the long game. Good luck and btw your trainer doesn’t know anything and probably selling you stuff he makes $$ on.
@fibo777 Ditch the supplements, measure your food, it looks like you aren’t getting much protein. Eat more protein. Do a lot of walking and zone 2 exercising in between your weight lifting exercise days
my gym trainer says I need to take [supplements] along with the workout

Lol personal trainers are such a joke.

You just need to track your food. Everything you eat. Eat at a deficit and you’ll lose weight.

It’s very simple but takes hard work and consistency
@fibo777 You need to count calories and weigh food to loose weight. Use a TDEE calculator to estimate how many calories you burn daily and eat less than that. What you eat doesn't really matter, just know that breads and processed foods tend to have a lot more calories.
@fibo777 Going against the grain here, ditch the diet mentality. Listen to your body, when are you eating for hunger, when are you eating too much and why. Make a manifesto of sorts, what kind of person do you want to be, how do you eat, how do you feel. Then list down what food you want to eat, what you want to allow yourself in moderation. Make your own plan and listen to your hunger and satiety signals and use the hunger scale to to be mindful of when you start eating and how much you eat. Don't beat yourself up if you eat too much or make a mistake, just continue eating well for the next meal.

This is a method that can work for you long term.
@fibo777 All I did was take note of how much I’m eating and adjust accordingly. If I gained weight or stayed the same for a couple of weeks, I’d eliminate something out of my diet.

Currently my meal prep is 2 bags of frozen mixed vegetables, 3 lbs of lean ground Turkey, a few spices to my liking, and I throw that on top of a pile of spinach leaves doused in an avacado hot sauce that is decently high in fat. High protein, low carb, high fat is what I found worked for me. Once I found what worked for me, I adjusted my portion sizes.

Took a month or two of adjustment, but I’m consistently losing 2 lbs a week, my cardio is improving, and my strength is improving.

I cut back on drinking, but still drink occasionally.

Also, I make sure to do 10k steps at least 5 days a week. On top of going to the gym 6 days a week (some days I go hard, other days I just show up to show up and stick to a routine).

Listen to your body and slowly adjust your intake. If you’re DEAD tired and lack energy, still get up and do a fraction of what you normally would have done. Sometimes you’ll do more than you thought you could do, but the reasoning is just to stay in the routine.

If you’re dead tired, increase your carb intake. I eat veggie straws due to the low calories and how full I feel after a serving and occasionally a banana before I lift.

Don’t rush, just stay consistent. Don’t get discouraged. Doing anything is better than nothing, even if it’s showing up to the gym and only walking half a mile. You showed up and that’s all that matters.

FWIW, I’m down 20lbs, built up tons of muscle, and feel amazing
@fibo777 Supplements are a waste of money with the exception of whey protein and maybe creatine. Download the Lose It! App and set your goal. I use the free version and like it so far.
@fibo777 Losing weight is simple in theory, not so easy to achieve in practice.

Few things to remember:

Calorie deficit is the way.
Adding a gym routine will only help.
The most important is consistency.
No supplement is magic!
Genetics also plays a role.

Good luck!