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  1. C

    I want the vegan protein holy book

    @leudoca Recomping usually means eating at a slight deficit and if you're not a total noob you won't gain much if anything. Maingaining is dumb term used by that yelling dude to sell stuff. It's just plain bulking. The total pig out bulks are stupid, no one should do that, that's why they are...
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    I want the vegan protein holy book

    @leudoca It is. Recomping is incredibly slow and maingaining is a nonsense term.
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    I want the vegan protein holy book

    @leudoca Bulking is the only way you can gain reasonable amount of muscle in a reasonable amount of time.
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    I want the vegan protein holy book

    @flyingforjesus Just bulk. Don't fall into the recomping/maingaining trap.
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    Is fasting a good way to cut?

    @glmlost Any evidence for this?
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    M/28/6’2” 166lbs - help & advice

    @ogmarie That's not that skinny. I was less than 140lbs at 6'1 and I didn't have a fast metabolism or anything, I just didn't eat enough. I could eat large amounts of food in a short time, but it has to be done consistently. Get on a 3x5 or 5x5 program, you can do empty bar at first.
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    High-calorie or “bulking” foods you eat?

    @jimishasmom The pancakes are from plain pea protein, chickpea or pumpkin seed flour, flax egg and seasoning. I use a bit more protein than flour, like 100g : 80g. For sweet I used artificial sweetener, I haven't tried sugar, it would have different ratios then I guess
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    High-calorie or “bulking” foods you eat?

    @jimishasmom If I was bulking I would make protein pancakes to get the protein, lots of vegetables and some grain or potatoes. That would leave me with 1500 or so extra calories, those I would fill with nut butter sandwiches, halva, muffins, fruit and maybe protein pudding. I'm cutting now so I...
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    Help with elite level comp weight cuts! What do you know about water loading to make a weight class in a sport??

    @atlas2023 Let him care, it's still dumb though. "Who cares" is an idiom.
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    Help with elite level comp weight cuts! What do you know about water loading to make a weight class in a sport??

    @atlas2023 Playing sports for enjoyment is fine. Doing something dangerous for a shitty plastic award in a niche sport that nobody cares about is just dumb imo.
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    Help with elite level comp weight cuts! What do you know about water loading to make a weight class in a sport??

    @atlas2023 And I'm asking why does any of this matter unless getting paid. Fucking yourself up for nothing is quite stupid in my opinion.
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    Help with elite level comp weight cuts! What do you know about water loading to make a weight class in a sport??

    @dfb Unless you're paid to compete who cares? Can anyone in the low weight classes even get some sponsorship deal? Even if they did, wouldn't the pay be very small since it's such a niche thing?